Page 53 of Step Bully

Ash’s laughter floated through the door, and my hole clenched around the toy as I remembered how it had felt to have his hand around my throat, choking me and cutting off my air.

I slid the toy in another inch and bit back a groan.


I didnotwant to be thinking about Ash while I was doing this. The whole point of this stupid hookup was to get over him and move on.

I pushed the toy all the way in, letting out a ragged breath at the sensation of being fully stretched, then relaxed.

Or at least tried to.

As my body clenched around the plug instinctively, memories assaulted my senses.

Ash’s body heat, the way he’d pressed me into the wall, against the fridge.

His scent, that intoxicating mix of musk and man, with a hint of sweetness from his cologne.

I moved my hips, shifting the toy inside me.

His big hand, rough and strong, around both of our dicks. His shaft, hard and hot and silky soft against mine.

“Goddamnit.” I opened my eyes, digging my teeth into my lower lip as I tried to banish all thoughts of Ash from my mind.

The plug was rubbing against my prostate, and my hips were moving of their own volition.

Yup. I was done.

I reached behind me and gently pulled out the plug. It dragged over my prostate, sending another zing of pleasure up my spine.

There. I was prepped.

I wrapped the plug in a paper towel, then climbed off my bed, pulled up my pants, and shoved the plug into a drawer. I’d clean it when I got home because there was no way in hell I was walking out of my room with it while Ash was home. I slipped on my Chucks and grabbed my phone to order an Uber.

When I left the apartment, Ash was back in his room, or gone. Who the fuck knew? I was glad I didn’t have to see him before my meet-up. My nerves were already frayed. The last thing I needed was to exchange verbal barbs with him right now.

The Uber ride cost half my weekly grocery budget. It looked like I’d be eating ramen and beans for the foreseeable future.

I stood outside the house on the edge of the student area. The building was big and run down, just like every other house in the area, with an overgrown front yard and loud music coming out of the windows.

Maybe I should have planned this for another night instead of Friday. The thought of walking into a busy house just to get some dick made my chest tighten, and a flurry of butterflies exploded in my stomach.

I checked the address for the fifth time, then opened Grindr to send jerkit a message.

I’d turned off the geolocation because the idea of broadcasting where I was creeped me out, especially after I’d opened the app in the library and had seen a shit ton of profiles who were scarily close.

bottomboi598:im outside

jerkit262:second floor door is open

Great, now I had to walk through the house alone.

Steeling my resolve, I hurried down the walkway and up the rickety stairs. The door was unlocked, and I didn’t bother looking around as I made a beeline for the stairs.

I passed a few people and half expected someone to stop me and demand to know why I was there, but they ignored me.

For once, I was happy to be the invisible boy.

There were five doors on the second floor. Thankfully, only one was open.