Page 47 of Step Bully

Goddamn fucking Ash.

That might have been the single hottest moment of my life, beyond anything I’d seen in porn or fantasized about.

But it had been at Ash’s hand.

He’d seen me at my most vulnerable. He’d played me like a fiddle and made me forget everything except how good it had felt.

He’d been in complete control.

Shakily, I tucked my dick back into my boxers and leaned my head against the fridge. The skin on my face felt tight in places.

I lifted one hand and touched my cheek, which was crusty with dried cum.

I drew my legs up and wrapped both arms around them, dropped my head onto my knees, and pulled in a few deep breaths.

He’d won.


I wiped a tear off my cheek. Steeling my resolve, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, then opened Grindr. I’d downloaded it last night but hadn’t had the balls to open it. Until now.

Dec was right.

I needed to find someone to have sex with. Someone who wasn’t Ash.

As amazing as the orgasms were, I couldn’t keep giving in to him.

It was time to find some rando and get my cherry popped so I could forget about Ash and his magic hands and dirty words and go back to hating his guts.



“Istill can’t believe you have to live with that loser.”

Tripp filled a cup with some top-shelf vodka, the good stuff he kept in his room.

It was the third time he’d said that in the last twenty minutes.

“Yeah. It fucking blows.”

Tripp was a good guy and one of my closest friends, but he was an annoying drunk. He cycled between euphoria and rage and tended to repeat himself and talk in circles.

He’d started pregaming for his party before noon, so he was good and sloshed.

I’d had a test in my last class that afternoon—fuck you very much, Professor Archer—and hadn’t arrived at the party until it was in full swing.


Darcy stood, or rather posed, in the door. She was leaning against the frame with one arm up, the opposite leg kicked behind her and her hip out.

I imagined it was supposed to be seductive, but it just looked awkward as she wobbled on her heel.

Why did girls wear heels when they drank? It was amazing there weren’t more ankle injuries at these parties.

“Hey, Darcy.”

I accepted the cup from Tripp and took a sip.