“Wow. He really got in your head.”
“Obviously. I mean, he’s straight, and he jerked me off twice.”
“Wait. He did it again?”
“This is so embarrassing.”
“I told you about the time I locked myself outside naked when I was drunk and looking for the bathroom in my new apartment last year. I think we’re beyond being embarrassed by dumb shit.”
“Yeah.” I snorted. “You have a valid point. You do a lot of stupid shit.”
“Said the dude who let his stepbrother jerk him off twice. Now tell me what happened the second time.”
“I was pissed at him, and I grabbed his phone.”
“Ooohhh, bold move, touching a man’s phone.”
“He told me to give it back. I didn’t, and the next thing I knew, I was on my back, and he was over me.”
“Shit. That’s kinda hot.”
“My dick sure thought so.”
“Did he give you a chance to say no again?”
“More than one,” I mumbled.
The most embarrassing part of the entire situation was that I’d wanted it. I’dbeggedhim. He hadn’t forced anything on me. I had no one to blame but myself.
“So he jerked you off again?”
“Like over the clothes, or did he touch your dick.”
“He touched my dick.”
And my hole.
I shuddered at the memory of him breaching me.
I’d played around back there with my fingers and toys I’d ordered online, but it had been completely different having someone else touch me, even if it had only been a tease.
“I don’t think he’s straight.”
“Take it from a straight guy. I know I joke about touching dicks, and I seriously would if I was attracted to a guy, but no straight man is going to jerk someone offtwicejust to mess with them.”
“He didn’t even get off.”