Page 28 of Step Bully

This was something completely different, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it.

I pulled my finger out of his mouth, let go of his wrists, swung my leg over him, and stood.

He lay there, his expression closed off. With choppy movements, he yanked up his shorts and tucked himself away.

“You happy?” He sat up.

“Are you?” I lifted one brow and nodded to his cum-streaked shirt.


“Hate me. I know.” I winked and swiped my phone off the table. “And as always, it’s mutual.”

I tore my gaze from his and strode into my room, closing the door behind me.

I tossed my phone onto my bed and shoved my hand down my pants.

It took exactly four tugs before I came in my briefs, shaking and holding on to the wall with my free hand so I didn’t fall over.


Now that I’d started whatever this was, I didn’t want it to stop.

But it was dangerous.

Sooner or later, he’d find out how much I was enjoying it. How much it got me off.

He wasn’t stupid. It was only a matter of time before he’d figured out that I was bi.

Was it worth the risk?


It absolutely was.



“You camping bastard!” my best friend, Declan, shouted in my ear as I killed his character for the fourth time in less than ten minutes.

“Not my fault you suck at finding cover.”

I was sitting on my bed with one of my monitors perched precariously on a stack of textbooks in front of me and my PS5 on the floor. It wasn’t a great setup, but it was all I could manage in my closet-sized room.

“All’s good on the western front?” Dec asked as he respawned.

“For once.” I clicked a few buttons on my controller, going through my weapons. “I’m sure Ash will be gone all weekend with the van.”

“At least it’ll be quiet if he is.”

“True. And I’m getting exercise. My ass is starting to look pretty good from all the stairs and walking.”

Last week, I’d gotten up early and walked to school rather than fighting Ash for the van keys. The breaks between my classes weren’t huge, only a few hours for the longest one, so I used the extra time to study and do homework.

Besides, it was easier to work in the library than it was in our tiny-ass apartment, especially with no desk.

“There’s a silver lining.” Dec snorted. “You should use your new ass to get some action.”