Page 161 of Step Bully

Oh, shit.

Reality crashed into me, and I jumped out of Ash’s arms for the second time in only a few seconds.

“Somebody better explain what the hell I just saw.” Dad glowered at us from across the kitchen. “Julian?”

“You’re the one who wanted us to get along.” Ash stepped in front of me, blocking me from Dad’s anger. “Well, you got your wish because not only do we get along, but wereallyget along in every way possible.”

“Shut up,” Dad snapped at Ash. “Just shut the fuck up.”

“What’s going on?” Crystal came into the kitchen. “Ken?” She looked between him and us.

“Really, Mom? Not going to defend me? Your husband just told me to shut the fuck up.”

“What’s happening here?” she asked.

“Mommy?” Riley stepped into the kitchen, her eyes wide as she stared at Dad.

“Don’t move.” Dad pointed at us. “This isnotover.”

“It’s okay, sweetie.” Crystal turned to Riley. “Want me to put you to bed?”

“Jules and Ash said they’d read my story to me.”

“Your brothers need to have a little talk,” Dad shot us a dark look.

“But they promised.” Her lip quivered.

“This isn’t over.” Dad turned to me. “You come find us the second you’re finished.”

I nodded, the fear and shock slowly being replaced by anger.

For fuck’s sake. He’d found us hugging. Justhugging,and he was freaking out like he’d caught us doing a sixty-nine on the kitchen table.

“Come on, kiddo.” I hurried over to Riley with Ash on my heels. “Say goodnight.”

“Night!” She waved brightly and took my hand in her small one. “Can you read the rabbit parts like you did last night?”

“Sure can.”

“And can you read the other parts?” She slipped her hand in Ash’s.

“You bet.”

Riley led us up the stairs and into her room, skipping and babbling.

I only half listened to her.


We’d been sloppy, and now we’d been caught.

Dad had been livid. I hadn’t seen him that angry in a long time.

Why, though? He already knew I was gay. If anything, I would have thought Crystal would be the one freaking out about Ash. Then again, she didn’t know yet. But she would soon. There was no way Dad hadn’t told her the second we’d left the kitchen.

Why was he so angry that Ash wasn’t straight? Or was it just our relationship that was freaking him out? Was it the gay part or the stepbrothers part?
