Page 155 of Step Bully

Thankfully, it was empty, and we settled on the swing.

“You’re different.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I would’ve expected you to be drunk and all over whoever caught your eye for the night. Or with Darren doing keg stands.”

“That’s where he is?” That explained why I couldn’t find him. “I just got here.”

She pursed her lips but didn’t say anything.

“And speaking of different.” I waved my hand at her clothes. “Love this look on you.”

“It’s amazing what getting away from all this"—she gestured around—“can do for a person. I finally stopped being who everyone wants me to be. I played the part of the good little airhead long enough. It’s time to be who I really am.”

“That’s what happened to me. I got tired of being the party guy. The one who fucks and drinks and doesn’t give a damn about anything.”

“I’ve always known that guy was in there.” She smiled. “I’m glad you’re finally coming into your own.”

“It’s been eye opening. But enough about me. What’s going on with you? Other than the new look.”

“I have a girlfriend.”

“Really? That’s awesome.”

“She’s the best. We met last year in one of our classes and started hanging out. One thing led to another and… yeah. We’re girlfriends.”

“I’m happy for you.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“I can read you like a book, Ash. There’s something going on with you.”

“I’m kinda seeing someone too.”

“You are? Wow. That’s great.”

“He’s… I really like him.”

She smiled encouragingly.

“It’s Jules,” I said in a rush. I needed to talk to someone about whatever was between us.

“Your stepbrother?”


“Complicated party of two.”

I snorted. “You can say that again.”

“How did that happen? Last I heard you two hated each other.”

I gave her a quick overview of the last few months, leaving out the part about Jules’s assault and our proclivities for kink. By the time I was done with my story, her eyes were wide, and her mouth was hanging open.
