Page 152 of Step Bully

“Presentable. How about me?”

“Presentable.” I smoothed my hands through his hair, taming the strands I’d misplaced.

“Let’s get this over with.”

I climbed off his lap and slid into the front seat, taking a quick look around to make sure no one was nearby.

The coast was clear.

“Ready?” Ash asked and started the van.

“As I’ll ever be.”



Thanksgiving dinner was brutal.

When we’d arrived, we’d gotten a lecture about being on time, then sat around for hours because Mom hadn’t actually started cooking anything but the turkey.

I’d offered to help. Both Jules and I were starving, since we’d missed lunch because we’d been driving, but she’d just shooed me out of the kitchen and loudly complained to everyone who would listen about how unfair it was that she had to do all the work in a house full of men.

Thankfully, Mom was so distracted with the food that when we’d finally sat down to eat, she didn’t pay much attention to either Jules or me. Ken spent most of the evening on his phone answering emails while Mom whined at him that it was family time.

I’d loaded up my plate with stuffing and veggies. Mom knew I didn’t like turkey, but she never bothered to make an alternative for me, so I filled up on bread while everyone else dug into their meat.

Sitting across from Jules and not being able to look at him was torture. A few times I chanced brushing my foot against his under the table, just to let him know I was thinking about him. Him blushing into his plate was a nice bonus.

Riley, bless her sweet little heart, kept asking Jules and me questions about school and our apartment. She wanted to know everything about our lives, which made the meal more bearable and filled the silence.

At least one person in the family talked to us.

We managed to get through the meal without tripping any suspicions. Then Mom asked what my plans were.

“Going to Darren’s,” I muttered and balled up my napkin.

“We need you to watch Riley tonight.”

Was Mom was talking to me? No, she was looking at Jules.

“What?” he asked.

“We’ve been invited to the Grahams, and we’ll be gone until late. We need you boys to clean up, and Jules can watch Riley until we get home.”

“What if I had plans?”

“Do you have plans?” Ken glanced up from his phone.


“We’re leaving in forty-five minutes.” Mom turned to Ken. “Can you please put the phone down for a few hours? It’s Thanksgiving.” She pouted and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

Ken slid his phone into his pocket. “For you, darling. Anything.”

Mom giggled like a schoolgirl.

Jules caught my eye and made a subtle gagging face.