Page 130 of Step Bully

I wanted to know why he’d hidden his sexuality, why he’d stayed in the closet all these years.

But considering I hadn’t had any plans to come out and had instead been outed, I really wasn’t one to talk. The only reason I was out now was because someone had forced my hand.

“Are you going to the party tomorrow?” I hated how small and vulnerable I sounded.

“No, kitten. I’ve already told you I’m over that shit.”

“So you’ll never go to another party again?”

“I didn’t say that.” He pressed a kiss into my hair. “I will. But I don’t need to go to one every damn weekend.”

“I’m sorry I’m so needy.”

“What did I tell you about theSword?”

“Not to say it?”

“Exactly. And you’re not needy.”

“Demanding to know if you’re going to a party is pretty needy.”

“Well, you didn’t demand. You asked. Big difference. And before you twist yourself into knots, yes. We’re hanging out tomorrow night.”

“We are?” I couldn’t stop my smile.

“We are. Now go to sleep, kitten.”

“Okay.” I nuzzled into his chest. “Night, Ash.”

“Night, Jules.”

I closed my eyes, pulled in a deep breath, and relaxed against Ash’s bigger body. He wrapped his other arm around me and held me close.

Please never let me go.



“Okay, I think I found the issue.”

I leaned closer as Jules moved my laptop between us.

“You have a strong intro, and your first few supporting paragraphs are solid. But this is confusing.” He pointed to the middle portion of the essay. “You go between three points in two paragraphs, so it gets a little convoluted. Then you completely forgot two of your supporting arguments in the conclusion.”

I grunted and flopped back in the rickety chair. “I hate essays.”

“Once you get the formula down, they get easier.”

“It’s been how many years? I still can’t write one to save my life.” I huffed out a frustrated breath.

It wasn’t Jules’s fault I sucked at essays. It wasn’t fair to take my emotions out on him, especially since he’d been helping me with my homework and projects the last few weeks.

“You mind if I move some stuff around?” He was staring at the screen.

“Be my guest.”

His finger moved over the touchpad as he copied things and pasted them in other places, pausing every few moments to type something, his fingers flying over the keys.