Page 125 of Step Bully

“Fuck.” He thrust up into his hand twice. Then he was coming too, shooting over his fist as his back arched and his body went tense.

The sight of his cum mixing with mine was too much, and I fell onto him in a boneless heap.

“Damn, bro,” I slurred, feeling drunk all of a sudden.

He pulled his arm from between us and wrapped it around me, hugging me tight.

“It’s okay, Jules. Just breathe.”

“I am breathing. Right?” I asked stupidly. My brain refused to compute what he was saying.

“Yes, kitten. You’re breathing.” He rubbed my back, his voice breathy and amused. “Just keep doing that, okay.”

“Okay.” I snuggled into his chest and let out a happy sigh.

This, being in Ash’s arms after coming all over each other, was perfect. I’d never felt more wanted, safer, than I did with him.

“I always trusted you,” I said softly.

“What do you mean?”

“I’ve always trusted you. Even when I hated you, I trusted you.” I snorted. “I mean, I let you choke me out while you owned my ass. If that doesn’t say trust, then nothing does.”

“I’m glad you did. And I trust you too.” He paused. “I’ve always been myself around you. Even when I was being an antagonistic asshole, I was still showing you my true self. I’ve never held back with you.”

“Same.” I ran my fingertip over his shirt, not caring about the wet spot sandwiched between us. “I’ve never hidden anything from you. Even when I wanted to, you still managed to get my bratty side to come out and play.”

“So you admit you’re a brat.”

“I admit that I can be bratty. At times. Very rarely.”

“Sure, sure.” He chuckled. “We’ll pretend like I believe that.”

We lapsed into silence, and it was nice.

I focused on Ash’s heartbeat, which was strong and regular, soothing. Like a metronome.

“How about we get changed, since I’m now completely covered in spunk? Then get some sleep,” Ash suggested.


It wasn’t late, but it was late enough. And I was tired after two orgasms in twenty some minutes.

“Do you want to sleep here again?”

“Yeah.” I looked up at him, feeling shy all of a sudden. “You don’t mind?”

“I told you I like cuddly Jules.” He smoothed a lock of hair back from my forehead. “I don’t mind at all.”

My cheeks and ears heated to the point they actually hurt, and Ash laughed.

I scowled at him. “Shut up.”

“You’re cute when you blush.”

“Ugh.” I turned my face away from him and put my cheek on his chest.

“Come on, kitten. Up you go.”