Page 6 of Step Bully



“Are you doinghomework?” I paused in the open doorway to Jules’s room.

He looked up from his book.

“It’s called reading, asshole. You should try it sometime.”

“Nah. I’ll leave the nerd shit to you.”

“Yes, because reading is soooo nerdy. What do you want?”

“Mom said it’s time for dinner.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Don’t care. She said we both have to come down.”


“No clue.”

I glanced around Jules’s room and resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

My perfect stepbrother’s room was immaculate. The tiny space held a single bed, a bookshelf, a dresser, a hamper, and a night table. Everything was neat and tidy, and nothing was out of place. Even the clothes in his hamper were folded.

Who did that?

“Why are you still here?” He looked up from his book and glared at me.

“Just soaking in all the nerd energy.”

He picked up his pillow and chucked it at me.

It landed on the floor about a foot away from where I was standing.

“Nice throw.”

“Fuck off.”

I bit back a smile as he slammed his book closed and tossed it onto the bed next to him.

Pissing Jules off was my favorite pastime.

It was so easy too.

He wore his emotions on his sleeve, and I could always tell when I was getting under his skin.

He would narrow his eyes and purse his pouty lips as a blush spread over his cheekbones.

Jules was cute in a boyish way. His blond hair was cut in a similar style as mine, except longer on top.

He wasn’t much shorter than me, only about two inches, but his lean frame made him look much smaller. His brown eyes were deep and flecked with gold, and his lips were full, especially the top one, which gave him a perpetual pout.

Jules had horrible self-esteem, so while he was hot as fuck, nailing down that adorkable sexy nerd look, he thought he was plain. He walked with his head down, his shoulders hunched, and never seemed to know when people were flirting with him.

It was endearing, and I hated that I thought so.