Page 41 of Step Bully

He’d proven time and time again that he hated me. He liked fucking with me, and I needed to stop letting him.

We’d managed to avoid each other for the last week. Which hadn’t been hard, considering he hadn’t bothered to come home at all last weekend. It had been nice to have some breathing room, but being by myself all the time was lonely.

I was used to being a loner, not to being alone.

Someone was always at home, and the dorms had been busy as fuck. By some stroke of good luck, I’d had a single last year, but hearing people in the hallways, seeing them in the bathrooms and in the cafeterias, had been reassuring.

Now I spent all my time alone if Ash wasn’t home. Not that it was any better when he was, since he would hide in his room unless he was eating.

He’d gotten his hands on a TV and set it up in his room, because of course he had. When he was hiding away, I could use the kitchen table to study, which made it so much easier. On the other hand, it sucked because I only had my monitors, and my room was so small I barely had enough room to set them up.

They were currently on my dresser, but the angle from my bed was off, and it was hard to game or watch anything on them.

We were only two weeks into the semester, and I was already done.

It was going to be a long-ass year.

* * *

“Where is it?”

“Where’s what?” I closed the door behind me and gave Ash an innocent smile. He stood next to the couch, clenching his fists, his face dark with anger.

“My shower shit.”

“You shit in the shower?”

His long legs cut the distance between us in four steps. He caged me against the door, and I let out a pathetic squeak.

“You know what I mean. Where. Is. It?”

He bumped me with his chest, his eyes flashing.

Fuck. Why did he have to look even hotter when he was pissed? It wasn’t fair.

“Did you look for it?” I hated how breathy my voice was. I pressed back against the door to try and put some space between us so he wouldn’t feel how my dick was chubbing up.

“Of course I fucking looked for it. Did you put it in your footlocker? I’ll buy fucking bolt cutters if I have to.”

“Nope.” I grinned as he let out a frustrated huff.

“You’re lying.”

“Am I?” I quirked an eyebrow at him, reveling in the fact that I had the upper hand for once.

“Where. Is. It? I had to go to school without showering this morning. I’m already pissed. Don’t make it worse for you.”

“I told you it’s around.”



He bumped his chest against mine, and my back hit the door.

“Tell me where it is. Now.”

“Or what?” I bit my lip to stop myself from smiling.