Page 39 of Step Bully

He let out a whine, trembling as I gently licked the shell of his ear.

“Too bad I’m hungry.”


I pulled away and stepped back. “Next time I won’t stop.”

He drew in a shaking breath, his expression shifting into a glare.

“You’re an asshole.”

“You say this like it’s a new development.”

I slid into the chair and picked up my chopsticks.


He spun on his heel and stomped into the kitchen, clutching his apples.

I stabbed a piece of chicken and willed my erection away.

He was so damn responsive, so needy.

I’d never reacted to anyone the way I did to him.

I wanted nothing more than to shove him onto the table and wring out every little moan and scream I could as I toyed with him.

But I was too pissed right now. Teasing him was fun. Fucking with his head was what I lived for.

But I drew the line at actually hurting him, which I might do if I gave in and touched him now.

I might be an asshole, but I wasn’tthatkind of asshole.



Beep beep beep beep.


I reached over and slapped my alarm clock, shutting off my alarm, my head still buried under my pillow.

I had an early class today and had to get up at the ass crack of dawn because Ash the asshole still wasn’t sharing the van keys.

Screwing up my willpower, I sat up, not bothering to open my eyes. My body refused to wake up.

Beep beep beep beep.

I slapped off my backup alarm and peeled open my eyes.

It was light in the room, but that wouldn’t last forever. I was not looking forward to when daylight savings kicked in and I’d have to start my walk to school in the dark.

Heaving a sigh, I stood and stretched.

When I was awake enough to see where I was going, I grabbed my shower kit, slipped on my shower shoes, and headed to the bathroom.

The one good thing about getting up before Ash was that I got to use the shower first, and I didn’t have to worry about having to deal with him.