Page 158 of Step Bully

“Where they’d scream at each other in the middle of whatever party was going on?” She laughed. “Then ten minutes later, they’d be in one of the rooms making up.”

“Angry sex is awesome, but that kind of drama is exhausting.”

“Angry sex is awesome?” She smirked at me as we pushed our way into the main foyer. “You been banging a lot of angry people?”

“Let’s just say things with Jules didn’t start the traditional way.”

“Really? Color me intrigued. I needallthe details. Well, maybe notallof them. Some things don’t need to be shared.”

I snorted. “Understood.”

“Meet me at the front gate if you get there first?” She pulled her keyring out of her pocket.

“You got it. It’s really good to see you again. I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” She stepped closer and wrapped me in a hug. “Let’s make a pact to keep in touch better. Even if it’s just messaging more during school. I hate that we don’t talk like we used to.”

“Deal.” I gave her one last squeeze, then stepped back. “See you at your place.”

I hadn’t realized I’d needed a night like tonight. Where I could just hang out with one of my best friends and shoot the shit.

I’d missed Liv and vowed to put more effort into our friendship. She and Darren had been the only ones from Alcott who’d made an effort to keep in touch with me once I’d transferred schools. They were true friends.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and shot Darren a quick text telling him I was going to hang out with Liv and that we should meet up before we headed back to school.



“Huh?” I grumbled sleepily as something warm and solid wrapped around me.

“Shhhh, it’s me.” Ash’s raspy voice tickled my ear, easing me out of sleep.

“What time is it?” I snuggled back into him as he spooned me.

“Early.” He pressed a soft kiss against my cheek.

“Did you just get home?”

“Yeah. Fell asleep at Liv’s and just woke up.”

“You had fun?”

“Go back to sleep, kitten. I just wanted some snuggles before I go to my room.”

“Mmm, ‘kay.” I cuddled into his warmth, my mind already floating away.


I shot awake, nearly choking when my efforts to sit up were thwarted by a heavy arm and leg that were draped over me, pinning me in place.

“Shit.” Ash cursed and rolled over, burying himself under my covers like that would somehow keep him hidden.

“Riley?” I blinked, trying to clear my eyes as I looked at my open door. “Are you okay?”

“I’m hungry.” She came into my room, her eyes on the Ash-shaped lump next to me. “Did you and Ash have a sleepover?”

I pulled the blankets off Ash’s face and smirked at him. “We sure did, kiddo.”