Page 154 of Step Bully

He squeaked and wrenched himself out of my grip. “You love it.”

“I do.” I brushed my lips against his cheek, his stubble scraping over my skin. “Have fun.”

“You too.”

He gave me one last look, then walked out of the kitchen and toward the living room.

It didn’t take me long to get changed and head over to Darren’s.

The party was in full swing.

I recognized about half of the people lounging in various rooms. Music blasted through the home audio system, and the drinks were flowing.

It wasn’t even nine, and several people were already sloppy drunk, yelling and slurring and being all-around assholes. Others were bumping and grinding on the makeshift dance floors, and three girls were giving some random guys I vaguely recognized from Alcott lap dances on a sofa.

Normally, I’d be chugging drinks to play catch up, but tonight I sipped the beer someone had shoved into my hand and looked around the crowds for either Darren or Liv. I really didn’t give a fuck about seeing anyone else tonight.


I stifled a sigh. “Hi, Hannah.”

“I missed you!” She launched herself in my arms and clung to my neck like a spider monkey, her feet off the ground as I bore the brunt of her weight.

I stumbled back but managed to stay upright.

“How have you been?” I set her down, peeled her arms off me, and stepped back.

I liked Hannah but wasn’t in the mood to be bodychecked across the room.

“Sooooo good.” She bounced from foot to foot. “I feel awesome!”

Her pupils were blown, and her cheeks were flushed. She was on something. Probably E.

“That’s great.” I glanced around. “I’ll see you later. I’m looking for someone.”

She pouted, but a moment later, she was dashing across the room and throwing herself into someone else’s arms.

“Well, look what the cat dragged in.”

I turned, smiling when I saw Liv standing behind me. She looked different from the last time I’d seen her. She’d cut her waist-length hair into a cute pixie style that looked amazing with her delicate bone structure, and her slacks, button-down shirt, and vest were on point. I’d seen the makeover on Insta, but it was even better in person.

“You look amazing.”

“Thanks, handsome.” She stepped into my hug and squeezed me tight. “I missed you.”

“Missed you too.”

“Want to go outside?” she asked.

“So much, yes.”

She grinned and nodded for me to follow her.

We skirted around the random couples dry humping on the dance floor, then weaved our way through the house until we were in the backyard.

“Swing?” She pointed to the gazebo in the middle of the manicured yard.

I nodded, and we made our way over.