Page 110 of Step Bully

I pressed my hand against my cheek, a smile on my lips as I climbed out of bed and turned the TV off.

Jules finished up in the bathroom while I shut the apartment down, double-checking that we’d locked the door.

“All done,” he said shyly as he hovered in his doorway in a pair of sleep pants and an old tee.

“Left side is mine. I’ll meet you in there.”

He blushed and darted into my room.

I did what I needed to do in the bathroom, then walked into my room. He was curled up on the right side of the bed, hugging one of the pillows and staring at the door.

I was still in my sweats, so I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of sleep pants and a sleeveless tee. I shucked the sweats and tossed them on the dresser.

A sharp intake of breath made me smile.

Slowly, deliberately, I turned around in only my boxer briefs.

Jules was gaping at me.

“You like what you see?” I asked.

“Uh-huh.” He nodded, raking his eyes up and down my frame. “How are you so built when you don’t work out?”

“I played a bunch of sports as a kid, so I have good muscle memory.” I smoothed one hand down my stomach. I didn’t have abs but had decent definition. “And I walk a lot. That helps.”

He watched as I pulled on the sleep pants and shirt, naked hunger in his eyes. He licked his lips, his eyes raking over my body again.

My cock pulsed and throbbed.

“Quit it,” I warned.

“Quit what?” he asked innocently.

I came around the bed and climbed in next to him.

“Looking at me like you want to eat me.”

“So what if I do?” He gave me a cocky little smirk.

“Phone, brat.” I held out my hand.

He handed me his phone, and I put it on the bedside table with mine.

“We already went over this.” I pulled the covers up and gave him a pointed look. “Not yet.”

His lip came out in a cute little pout. “I hate this.”

“Hate what?”

“That you’re right.” He let out a frustrated huff. “I want you, but I’m not ready to want you.”

“I get it, Jules.” I lay down and turned on my side so I was facing him.

He did the same, mirroring my pose.

“It’ll take time, and that’s okay. I’m showing all my cards here, but I kind of like this change of pace.”

“What do you mean?”