Page 109 of Step Bully

“It’s not that I don’t want to,” I lifted my arm, dislodging him from my shoulder, wrapped it around him, and pulled him close. “Trust me when I say I want you. I just don’t want to rush you.”

“You don’t think I’m dirty now?” His voice was barely a whisper.

“No.” I shifted so I was looking at him. “Not at all. You’re not dirty, Jules. Not even a little bit.”

“But he…”

“He hurt you.” I bit back the anger that rushed through me at the memory of seeing Jules bent over the sink with his pants down and Gavin behind him. I should’ve done more than break his stupid nose. He deserved to suffer for what he’d done. “But nothing about that night is a reflection on you. It doesn’t change anything about you.”

“How did you know to find me?” he asked softly, snuggling into my chest as I leaned back against the headboard.

“I was watching you.”


“Yeah.” I rubbed his back. “I don’t even know why. I saw you there and just couldn’t take my eyes off you. I saw you go get a drink. Then Gen kissed me, and when I went into the kitchen to check on you, you were gone. I got a bad feeling, and I went looking for you. Darcy told me she saw you and Gavin go upstairs, and I just lost it and started opening doors until I found you.”

“You did?”

“I knew there was no way you’d willingly go with him.”

“I didn’t. He came into the bathroom after I was already in there. I felt sick, and he just barged in…”

“It’s okay, Jules.” I hugged him tighter as he shuddered in my arms.

“I was so scared.”

“I know.”

“I thought he was going to do it.”

“I’m so sorry that happened to you, kitten.”

“If you hadn’t been there…”

“I know,” I kissed his temple, and he let out a shaky breath. “But I was.”

“You were,” he said softly.

“Tired?” I asked when he stifled a yawn.

“Little bit.”

“How about we go to bed?”

“Yeah. I’ll get up in a second. You’re comfy.”

“You want to sleep here?”

“Yeah?” He smiled at me, his big eyes filled with hope and happiness.

“Sure.” I dropped a kiss on his nose. “As long as you don’t steal the covers.”

“No promises.” He grinned impishly. “I’m a known blanket hog. Pillow hoarder too.”

“Of course you are.” I chuckled. “Go get ready for bed while I shut everything down.”

“’Kay.” He pecked a kiss against my cheek, rolled off the bed, and dashed out the door.