Page 107 of Step Bully

“Yeah. Thanks.” He beamed at me, and my chest tightened again.

Damn it all to hell.

That smile was going to be the death of me. It was so bright, so pure and filled with genuine happiness.

Pissing Jules off had always given me a little thrill, but that was nothing compared to how much I enjoyed making him happy.

“Meet you in the main lot after class?”

“Yup.” He sipped his drink and made a happynoise, wiggling in his seat as he smacked his lips. “Yummy. It’s been forever since I had one of these.”

Fucking hell.

I had no idea why that move was so damn sexy, but my dick appreciated it as it thickened.

“Good luck with your test.”

“Thanks. See you tonight.” Jules pushed open the door and hopped out of the car.

He shouldered his bag and gave me a shy little wave, then turned and bounded down the sidewalk.

I was totally and royally fucked.

Did I care?

Not one bit.

This attraction between Jules and me had always been there. We just hadn’t been in a place to recognize it for what it was.

Now that we had, it was impossible to go back to the way things had been.

I still wanted to see his pouty face, and riling him up was still high on my list of favorite things, but the hatred, the anger, and the dislike were completely gone.

Jules was a great guy. He was sweet and kind and genuinely nice. He was way too good for a loser like me, but for some reason, he seemed to like me too.

Shaking my head, I put the van in gear, flipped on my signal light, pulled away from the curb, and drove to the main student lot. I didn’t have class for another hour, but I wanted to get there early to get a spot.

* * *

The next fewdays passed exactly the same. I drove Jules to school in the morning, setting our departing time based on who had the first class, then drove him home when we were both done.

Our schedules were actually quite similar. The major difference was that I had a late Friday class, while he was off before noon that day. Other than that, we usually finished within an hour of each other.

Things at home were comfortable now too. We no longer avoided each other and had started watching a few episodes ofBrooklyn 99in my room after we’d finished our homework.

It was nice. It made the place feel like home.

“So, what party are you going to tomorrow?” Jules asked as he leaned against my arm.

We were on my bed watching our third episode of the night.

I shifted so he could put his head on my shoulder. “What do you mean?”

“It’s Halloween. From what I’ve heard, that’s a popular holiday among our fellow students.”

I snorted at his prim tone. “Usually is.”

“So you’ll be gone all night?”