Page 102 of Step Bully

“Nope.Buffyis camp,Supernaturalis more folklore and shit. Zombies eating brains and people doing horrible things to each other is a different ball game.”

“True. It does explore how humans would handle the apocalypse and collapse of society. How it would bring out the different facets of people. Some good, most bad.”

“Exactly. And the makeup is just icky.” I shuddered.

“They don’t eat brains in the show. They just bite people, and they turn.”

“Yeah, that’s not much better.”

“Favorite season?”

It took my brain a second to circle back to what we had been talking about before the tangent on TV shows.

“Um, fall.”

“Me too.” He leaned back against the headboard, spreading his legs wider. “I actually like the rain.”

“So do I.” I held up the chip bag. “Done?”

He nodded.

“I want to go storm watching someday.” I folded up the chip bag, using a trick I’d seen online to seal it without needing a clip.



“Where does your friend Dec live?”

“Nova Scotia.”

“Is that near Vancouver?”

I snickered. “Nope. Other side of the country. Why?”

“There’s this little district on Vancouver Island called Tofino. The surfing there is amazing, but they also have an intense storm season, and people go there and stay in cabins just so they can watch the storms.”

“That sounds like heaven. Have you done it?”

He shook his head, his eyes clouding as his jaw ticked. “No. Dad took Jenna there. I got to see it all on Insta.”

“Oh. Well, it sounds amazing. I’m going to have to look it up.”

We fell into silence.

Ash was still tense, and I had no idea what to say to break the tension in the room.

I knew Ash and his dad didn’t really get along and that he’d barely spent any time with his stepmom or halfsiblings. What was the story there? Was it because of the divorce? Was that why Ash and his dad were at odds, or had it always been like that?

I didn’t know too much about Ash’s life from before his homewrecker mom stole my dad, but I’d heard a few details over the years when I’d overheard Dad and Crystal talking about it.

Apparently, his dad was filthy rich and obsessed with making money, and Crystal had felt neglected in her marriage. That was the whole reason why I was supposed to be okay with her and Dad hooking up and ruining my life.

Had Ash been neglected too? Was that why his dad hadn’t even tried to get custody of him and the courts had had to force him to take visitation?

From what I’d heard, his dad hadn’t wanted custody, and his mom had wanted him to have visitation. They hadn’t fought over him. They’d fought to get rid of him.
