I nodded and took the drugstore bag from her.

Sadie waited on my bed while I peed on the home pregnancy tests. Sadie had bought three different ones.

“How long do we wait?” Sadie asked.

“Two minutes,” I said.

Sadie held out a donut. “Eat this while you wait.”

“I haven’t eaten anything today yet. And I’ll throw it up.”

“If you do, at least you’ll get rid of the unhealthy thing you ate for breakfast.” Sadie pulled a face at me and I smiled, shaking my head. But I bit into the donut. It was divine. And somehow, it didn’t come up again.

Two minutes felt like an eternity. But finally, the timer I’d set on my phone buzzed.

I looked at Sadie, terrified.

“It’s going to be fine,” she said.

I nodded. It was going to be fine. Negative. I was just a bug.

The first test had two lines. The second had a plus. The third had two lines.

“What does it say?” Sadie asked.

“Two lines and a plus are bad, aren’t they?” I asked from the bathroom.

Sadie appeared at the door. “Are you sure?” She took the boxes and read the inserts.

“Yeah, positive if it’s two.” She took the sticks from me and frowned before she slid her eyes to me.

“Emily ...”

My stomach churned and I turned to the toilet and threw up again.

Sadie held my hair back and rubbed my back until I’d gotten rid of everything in my system. She offered me a glass of water to rinse my mouth. And she sat with me on the bathroom floor until tears streamed down my cheeks.

“What am I going to do?” I asked. “I can’t have a baby. Not now.”

“Tell Parker.”

I nodded. “Yeah, he should know.”

“He’ll help.”

I shook my head. “This isn’t how it was supposed to happen. I have so much I still need to do with the business. And Parker ... We only just started dating. How can this be, Sadie? How can I be pregnant?”

She didn’t joke the way she usually did. She didn’t use some euphemism for how a woman became pregnant, or how Parker had hit the bullseye. She only rubbed my back.

“It’s okay to be okay,” she said softly. “You’ll see. Everything happens for a reason, and you two are together. He chose you over Ryan, Em. You’re going to be okay.”

I nodded. Sadie was right—Parker and I were still together, and he was serious about me. He’d sacrificed his friendship with Ryan for me. This wasn’t what we’d planned, but if we worked together, we could do this.


He was the only person I had in my corner right now to help me through this, aside from Sadie. My mom and my brother weren’t there. And what would my dad say? I hadn’t seen him since he’d moved away.

God, how was I going to do this?