“I’m going back to my lawyers. It’s been long enough that you’ve been going on like this, and it’s not right. If a judge still rules in your favor for alimony, I’ll pay it. But not a cent more. And this move you’re planning with new furniture and whatever the fuck else you’re planning on buying has to come out of your pocket.”

“Where is this coming from?” Brooke asked in a small voice. Her lip trembled and she looked ready to cry. But it was an act. Everything about Brooke was.

“It’s coming from a place I should have listened to years ago,” I said.

“It’s that whore you’re running around with, isn’t it?” Brooke asked. “She’s got you by the balls and told you to get rid of me.”

I shook my head. “No, it’s you who’s had me by the balls all this time. But I’m done, and you’re not getting another cent. And don’t dare talk about her ever again. She’s more to me than you’ve ever been.”

Brooke’s face changed from emotional to furious, proof that it was all an act.

“You’ll regret this, Parker,” she said. The first time she called me by my name rather than a pet name. “I’ll take you to court and take you for everything you have.”

“You already did that,” I said. “You don’t have a leg to stand on. But if you’re willing to play, then have your lawyers contact mine, and we’ll do it. I can play all day long if that’s what you want. But understand this—I’m not paying your legal fees.”

She paled. “You’ll be sorry,” she said. But the fight had gone out of her, and I knew she couldn’t do anything to hurt me. Not anymore.

The control she’d had over me was gone. I didn’t know when it had happened, or exactly how. But I was finally free of her.

Whatever happened now, I would be in charge of it.

And that was what mattered.

I turned back to my car and climbed in.

When I turned out of the driveway and into the road, my phone rang.

“Yo,” I answered.


I froze. It was Ryan.

“Hey,” I said.

“Look, this isn’t easy for me, so shut the fuck up and let me do what I need to do, okay?”

I nodded even though he couldn’t see me.

“I…” he took a deep breath. “I was a dick.”

I chuckled.

“I mean it,” he warned. “I said shut up.”

“Got it,” I said.

“I was a dick, and I'm sorry. If you’re really that serious about my sister—”

“I am,” I said.

He groaned and I snapped my mouth shut.

“She’s got it for you, man. Bad.”

I wanted to ask if he was being serious, but I wouldn’t interrupt him again.

“She’s everything to me,” Ryan said. “Without it sounding fucked up, she’s my other half. I mean, she’s my twin. And I want her happy, you know? And if her happiness means she’s dating you… I guess it could be worse. Actually, it could be a lot worse and you’re not all bad. You can be an asshole, but like, who isn’t sometimes, right?”