He shrugged out of his coat and dropped it on the floor. I helped him unbutton his shirt and pulled it off, the sleeves slipping inside out.

Parker kicked off his pants and nearly tripped.

I giggled, helping him stay upright.

“I’m a little drunk,” he admitted.

“I’ve got you,” I said.

He cupped my cheek and studied my face for a moment. When his eyes landed on mine, they were filled with more than just lust.

“You do,” he said hoarsely.

He kissed me again, and the kiss was soft and sensual. Warmth passed between us, very different from the heat of our sex a moment ago. Dammit, I was in trouble.

I was falling for Parker Conrad.


And the way he touched me, the way he kissed me, suggested he felt the same. A small voice at the back of my mind screamed at me that this was wrong. He was a client. He was Ryan’s best friend.

But he was also Parker, the man I’d fallen in love with. I shut the little voice up—I wasn’t going to listen to reason right now. All I wanted was to live in the moment and to be with Parker, as intimately as we wanted to be.

Parker wrapped his hands around my body and lifted me onto my desk. With his lips still locked on mine, he climbed onto the desk too. He slipped on the edge, nearly falling off again, and I broke the kiss to grab onto him and laughed.

“Careful,” I said.

“Always.” His knee slipped a second time, and this time, I couldn’t stop him from falling. He fell to the ground next to my desk.

I laughed. “Oh, God. Are you okay?”

He sat on the industrial carpet next to my desk, cock hard between his legs, and looked like he felt like an idiot.

“I’m fine,” he said.

I laughed. It only made him turn redder than he already was.

“Here,” I said and held out my hand.

He took it and I helped him up. “We don’t have to—”

“Hush, woman,” he said in a hoarse voice, and I giggled when he climbed onto the desk again, determined. He crawled over, and I lay back, my pencil holder next to my head.

Parker positioned himself over me, and this time, when he sank into me, I was the one who fell all over again.

Parker’s face was close to mine, his breathing erratic and shallow. He looked me in the eyes and ran his fingers through my hair.

“You mean more to me than you know,” he said.

“I feel the same,” I whispered.

He kissed me, swallowing any other words I might have thought about saying, and started moving inside of me again.

Where his need had been dramatic a moment ago, and he’d pounded into me like a jackhammer, he was soft and sensual now. His hips moved slowly, and he stroked in and out of me, showing me with his body what he couldn’t find the words to say. I ran my hands through his hair, over his shoulders, and down his spine. I moaned into his mouth as Parker’s body writhed over mine, his bare chest against my breasts.

He moved faster and faster, picking up his pace again. I moaned, and my breasts jiggled as he rocked me harder and harder on the desk. The desk legs wobbled and for a moment I was worried it wouldn’t hold under the weight of our collective body weight.

But I gave up the worry and focused on Parker. If we were going down, we would go down together.