Max’s phone powers on and I breathe a small sigh of relief. Clicking on Messages, I press the new message button and in the ‘To:’ field, type Vanessa’s name. I select her name from his contacts, then hurriedly type a quick message to her, pressing send when I’m finished.
Please, let her see this text.
While I wait, I grab a pen, scribbling a note to William. I fold it and write his name on it. Putting the pad and pen back, I decide to grab the other two syringes in case I need them, and then quietly close the drawer.
My eyes move to Max’s screen and my heart fills with joy. Vanessa responded.
Vanessa: Max has your cell phone. He found it beneath his Jeep. He’s been released from the hospital and is with Darin now. Text your phone and tell him. I’m on the phone with both of them right now.
Tears fill my eyes as I hurriedly type the word, “okay.” Then I pull up my name from his text messages and type a text, tears running down my cheeks. When he responds, my hands shake and happiness floods my body.
We exchange a few texts, and he tells me he’s coming to rescue me. Quickly locking his phone, I slide it into the back pocket of my jeans.I need shoes and a sweatshirt, both of which are in the room down the hall.I hope whatever is in this syringe works quickly.
Quietly, I head to the bed, putting the note William left me in my pocket, replacing it with the letter I’ve written him. Wiping my tears, I silently creep toward the door, getting the syringe ready.
Taking a deep breath, I grip the doorknob and turn it. A guy I’ve never seen instantly turns his head, looking at me.
Giving him a timid smile, I say, “Hi. I’m Irelynn. I just woke up and saw William’s note. Do you…” I pause, my other hand going to my throat. “My throat is so dry. Can I have some water?”
He gives me a reassuring smile. “Sure, Miss Irelynn. I’m Trevor. I can get you a glass of water.” When he turns back to his phone, I strike, jabbing the needle into his neck and plunging the contents into him. His eyes widen and he grabs for his neck.
“What did you do?” His hands go to his cell phone.
No. Shit. He can’t contact William.
Raising my foot, I kick his arm, sending his phone tumbling to the floor. I immediately grab it, pressing on the power button. He gets up, his movements wobbly, eyes locked on my hand. I draw my arm back and pretend to throw it.
Whatever is in that syringe must be working because he thinks I threw it and turns around, heading into William’s room. I hurriedly shut the door, typing the code into the keypad that I finally wrangled from Emma, locking Trevor in William’s room.
Not wasting any time, I run down the hallway, grab my sweatshirt and a pair of sneakers, then hurry back out. I don’t even bother putting them on yet. I simply run down the stairs, following Emma’s instructions. Once I reach the room, my heart and pulse thundering in my ears, my eyes scan for the door. Spotting it, I take deep breaths in and out, reciting the code. I press it in, taking my time, not wanting any mishaps to ruin this part of the plan. I hear the beep and the door unlocks. Gripping the handle, I pull it open, stepping through and closing it.
The cold air hits me hard, causing me to shiver. The concrete walkway is freezing beneath my bare feet. I quickly shove my feet into my sneakers, adrenaline flowing through my veins. Pulling Max’s sweatshirt on quickly, I start moving, Emma’s instructions in my head. My eyes dart around, ducking beneath the darkened windows just in case, although I hope Trevor is passed out and still locked in William’s room.
Tossing Trevor’s phone into the bushes, I hurry around the house, then across the road, running quietly.
Thank God there is a full moon tonight. I spot the trail fairly easily, pulling Max’s phone from my back pocket before picking up speed. I slow down as I notice a text from him.
Max:We are heading down the road to William’s house in the woods. Where are you?
Irelynn:I’m outside, running along the trail to the right of the road (likely your left).
My arms swing harder, leg muscles pushing me faster as my sneakers pound the earth. In the distance, I see the headlights.
Please, God, let that be Darin’s Jeep. I’ll just die if, somehow, it’s William.
My eyes remain on the vehicle and when it finally gets close enough, I recognize Darin’s Jeep. Relief fills my body, nearly making me collapse, but I can’t.
Not yet.
I run carefully, making sure I don’t trip until I’m on the road. Then I throw my arms into the air, running toward them.
The Jeep stops and Max jumps out of the passenger side, sprinting toward me. Lowering my arms, I run faster than I ever have in my life, jumping into his arms as soon as I’m close enough. Once I’m wrapped around him, I hold on to him as tightly as I can, sobbing uncontrollably.
He grips me so tight it hurts, and I feel his chest shaking as he sobs. “Irelynn. Thank God I’ve found you.” His voice cracks and breaks.
I nod against his neck, an emotional wreck.
Finally, we pull apart enough that we can see one another’s faces. My fingers move to his cheeks as he lowers me to my feet. Wiping his tears away, I drink his handsome face in, my heart so full it feels like it’s going to burst.