Darin repeats my instructions, putting Vanessa back on speakerphone. I hear someone rapidly typing on a keyboard. The sound matches my racing heart, my skin tingling as sweat forms on it.

I shift in my seat, agitation taking over my body, making it hard to stay still. “Drive in the direction of Vanessa and Irelynn’s apartment. There has to be a road that leads to that house,” I instruct Darin.

I’m so pissed at myself for not figuring this out sooner.

The message I found from William on Irelynn’s computer runs through my head.He referenced those woods. She runs in them often with me and Vanessa. If he was having that house restored, it would be easy for him to run through those woods, keeping an eye on her.

“Fuck, Darin. Remember that mansion I told you about that was being restored? The one Irelynn and I saw on our run, and it creeped her out? I think he may be holding her there!”

His brow furrows in confusion, tilting his head to the side as he studies me, then glances back at the road. “Why do you think that?”

I take a deep breath.He may want to commit me to a mental institution after I tell him this.

“I had a dream about running through the woods when I was in the hospital. The trail seemed familiar, and when I reached the clearing, that creepy restored house was ahead. I crept around that house and saw Irelynn, standing in the window.”

His head slowly turns toward mine, disbelief making him cock an eyebrow at me. He doesn’t say anything for a minute, then finally says, “You dreamed this? While you were in the hospital?”

Nodding, I swallow hard. I know he’s going to think I’m insane, but this gnawing feeling in my gut screams that I’m correct. Irelynn and I share an unexplainable interconnectedness that defies logic.

Vanessa’s voice cuts through the silence between Darin and me. “Oh boy, Max, you hit a gold mine there. There is a house that sits deep in the woods that was formerly owned by Gregory Anderson. Once he made all his money, he built the mansion that William grew up in, and that one sat empty. Occasionally, he rented it out to servants until he sold it to one of his former drivers. After he died, the house was abandoned, falling into ruins.”

I interrupt. “Why didn’t it come up then?”

“Here’s the interesting tidbit. The former driver was William’s grandfather, Isabella’s father. William inherited the house from his grandfather’s estate.”

Swallowing hard, the pieces click together. “How long ago did he pass away?”

“Umm…” Vanessa’s voice is muffled for a few beats and the sound of typing occurs. “July 29, 2018.”

“Jesus.” Shaking my head, I blow out a breath. “It all just fell into his lap. The perfect place and opportunity.”

“Seems that way.” Vanessa’s voice is strained, and I can tell she’s frustrated. “Okay, here is the address.” She recites it and Darin puts it into his GPS.

“Oh my God!” she screams. “Holy shit.”

“What?” Darin and I say in unison, our eyes meeting.

“Your cell phone just turned on, Max. It’s showing up on the tracking software now. Hold on, Savannah is working on checking the tower it’s pinging from.”

My leg bounces nervously as I wait. Silently, I pray that Irelynn found it and turned it on.

“Yes. It is coming from a tower not far from that house.” She gives us the location of the tower, but mid-sentence, lets out a loud gasp.

“What is it?” My voice is exasperated, my stomach in knots.

Please let her have good news.

Vanessa’s voice is thick with tears. “Irelynn just texted me on your phone, Max. I’m responding right now, telling her…” She chokes back a sob, clearing her throat. “I told her to text you on her phone. She said okay.”

I stare intently at Irelynn’s phone, holding it closer to my face. A huge smile is on my face the second her text comes through.

Irelynn:Baby. It’s me. I’m not sure where I am, but I’m surrounded by woods. I’m going to escape and I hope that you can find me.

I gasp, tears filling my eyes. I immediately type a response.

Max:Beautiful. God, I miss you. I know where you are. We are on our way now.

For the first time since that fateful October fourth night when she was crudely ripped from my world, hope fills my heart.