“Are you okay? God, Irelynn, I’m so fucking sorry.” He pulls me against him and hugs me tight. I relax into his embrace, feeling safe as he buries his face in my hair. “I never should have fucking left.”
Slowly, I pull back enough to see his face. “Will, this isn’t your fault.” My eyes move to Damian’s bloody, mangled body lying on the floor. “It’s his.”
“Mom,” Bryan’s panicked voice floats down the hallway.
“Come on. They need us.” I pull back. Grabbing William’s hand, we run down the hallway, following Bryan’s voice. When we arrive, he is crouched over an unconscious Emma, pleading with her to wake up.
“Oh God, Emma.” My hands fly over my mouth. “Did you call—” I stop when I hear William’s voice, barking instructions into the phone.
Letting go of William’s hand, I hurry over to Emma and Bryan, squatting down. “Does she have a pulse? Is she breathing?”
Bryan nods, tears rolling down his cheeks. “S-S-She d-does. It’s faint.”
I touch his arm gently as he cradles Emma in his arms. “That’s a good sign, Bryan.” I gently grab Emma’s hand, squeezing it. “Keep fighting, Emma. We need you and love you.”
William squats beside me. “How is she?”
As long as I live, I never want to see William Anderson’s face look like that again, full of utter despair and devastation.
Releasing Emma’s hand, I put my arm around William, and he pulls me against him, tears flowing down his face. “She has to be alright. Please, Emma.” His voice is barely above a whisper, sobs coming from his lips.
I squeeze him tighter, and William turns into me, holding onto me. “I’m so fucking sorry he hurt you, Irelynn.”
“Will, yousavedme.” I grip him tighter. “If you hadn’t shown up when you did…”
He pulls back, his arm impatiently wiping his tears. “Emma pressed the button and I immediately turned around, knowing something bad was happening. Bryan kept trying to call her, but she didn’t answer. And then when you pressed the button…”
I squeeze his shoulder. “It’s okay. You got here in time.” I look back over at Bryan, staring at Emma’s unconscious form. “Any change?”
Bryan shakes his head, gently rocking his mom in his arms.
William turns toward her, tears spilling down his cheeks. “Where the fuck is the ambulance?”
Squeezing his hand, I gently say, “You just called, Will. They’ll be here soon.”
William nods, then leans over Emma, kissing her cheek. “Hang on, mama bear. Help is on the way.” His voice is soft and soothing.
Finally, we hear the sirens wailing closer. Bryan hoists Emma in his arms and William and I lead the way to the front door. I hold the door open as William runs outside, telling the emergency personnel what happened. He gestures for Bryan as they haul the wheeled stretcher inside the house. He gently sets Emma on it, and a team of emergency personnel surrounds her. I’m pushed back as they block the doorway.
My eyes go over to William and Bryan, who have their heads bent together, talking.
A few minutes later, an unconscious Emma is wheeled toward the ambulance. Tears stream down my face as I watch them take her away.
An arm wraps around my shoulders and I look up into William’s face. His hand reaches out, gently wiping my tears. “Bryan is heading to the hospital with Emma. I’ve texted a few people to deal with the… mess… upstairs.”
Fear grips me, trailing down my spine. “Is he still… alive?”
William squeezes me tighter. “Yes, he is. But he won’t be getting up anytime soon.” He pulls me against him. “I’m so sorry, Irelynn. Are you sure you’re okay?”
I nod, but my legs feel weak as the events of the evening hit me in a rush. “I’m—” That’s all I manage as they give out. William catches me before I fall, lifting me in his arms. As he holds me against his chest, I wrap my arms around him, grateful for his warmth and support.
We move, heading towards the stairs. William says something to someone, but I can’t make sense of anything. The world is spinning. I hear someone saying the word ‘shock’ behind me. I realize some of the emergency personnel are following us as William carries me up the stairs.
As William slips me into a large bed, pulling blankets over me, I continue to shake uncontrollably. The covers move and his spicy, woodsy scent surrounds me. His heat feels so good, and I turn into him, clinging to him as he cradles me against his body.
Closing my eyes, I drift away, feeling like I’m on a boat in the middle of the ocean, gently swaying, the waves lulling me under.
As the warmth surrounds me, my thoughts are singularly focused.