Unfortunately, he’s right. He proceeds to beat me three more times, then stands and does some ridiculous dance that makes me fall over on the bed laughing. Tears roll down my face when Emma walks into the room, her eyebrows raised high on her forehead.

William finally turns around and immediately stops dancing. “Hey, Emma.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, like nothing is amiss. “Is dinner ready?”

She gapes at him, unable to speak, and I laugh harder.

“This is… the most… hilarious thing… I’ve ever seen.” I finally get the words out around my howls of laughter. William takes one look at me and loses it.

“I’m cutting you both off. No more coffee or cake.” Emma shakes her head in bewilderment. “But yes, dinner is ready.”

We sit up, just barely holding onto our composure. When Emma’s brows draw in and she shakes her head, I let out a snort of laughter and William starts laughing again, which makes me crack up.

Finally, I wipe my eyes. “Okay, okay. I’m done now.”

He raises his brows at me. “Are you sure?”

I can’t look at him because I know I’ll start laughing again. “Just please don’t dance like that again.”

William chuckles, holding out a hand. I take it, letting him help me off the bed. Emma is still shaking her head as she watches us.

“Please stop making those faces, Emma, or I’m liable to spit out my food.” I point at William as he gestures for me to go ahead of him. “And no more dancing.”

He laughs, raising his hands in mock surrender, following behind me and Emma as we head to the stairway.

“I may need to ask for a raise,” Emma mutters, causing me and William to start laughing again.

Chapter seventeen



The three of us are sitting at the dining room table, eating dinner, when Bryan hurries inside. Though I don’t know him well, his facial expression indicates something is wrong.

He grabs a plate, and of course, Emma jumps up to serve him. William and Bryan exchange a long, silent look, but neither says anything.

As Bryan makes polite conversation with me and his mom, I can’t help but feel the tension radiating from William’s body, his hand gripping his fork with such vengeance I’m worried he’s going to bend the metal.

While Emma fixes Bryan a plate of food and he gets up to get a drink, I put my hand on William’s arm and lean over to his ear. “What’s wrong, Will?”

His brow furrows as he looks at me, his expression neutral, but his eyes… they brim with emotion. Anger, worry, fury, terror, unease… I see all of it, his eyes darkening, before he says, “It will be fine, Irelynn. I’m going to take care of it.” He leans into my ear so no one else can hear what he says, then he resumes eating, occasionally glancing at me.

Once we are finished with dinner, William leans over, his lips close to my ear. “Bryan and I need to talk business. Will you be okay alone?” He nods his head toward Emma, who is yawning, indicating she will probably be heading for a nap soon.

“I’ll be fine.” I give him a small grin. “I’m going to read a book until I fall asleep.”

He nods. “If you need me, remember you have your remote. Don’t be afraid to use it, okay?” Giving my arm a gentle squeeze, he gives me a tight smile, but he’s preoccupied.

An uneasy feeling settles in my stomach as I say goodnight to Bryan and Emma, then meet William’s gaze. He tries to give me a reassuring smile, but there are shadows of worry on his face.

As I head up the steps, my legs are heavy and my stomach feels like a rock is sitting in it. My mouth is dry, and I hurry to the mini fridge in my room, grabbing a bottle of water and taking a long drink. I’m nearly certain Bryan’s news has to do with Damian.

The question is, what is going on, and are we in danger?

I try to focus on my book, but my mind keeps wandering back to the fear I saw in William’s eyes. He’s always been so calm and in control, so to see him rattled really puts me on edge.

Getting up, I pace around my room.

Finally, I lie back on the mattress, staring at the ceiling.