
“What are we doing?” I pester Finn for the tenth time in the span of thirty minutes. I’m not usually this annoying, but to be fair, I’m usually not this nervous, either.

I thought I knew what to expect when I got into Finn’s car at around ten this morning, but it turns out I don’t know squat. I don’t know why Finn took me to a small beach town named Hillford, and I sure as hell don’t know why we’ve been sitting in front of this boring brick building for ten minutes.

I tried to ask him what he was up to, but a two-hour car ride later, I still haven’t been able to break him. Although I did feel myself break at the realization that he’d been just two hours away from me this whole time.

I guess a part of me wanted to believe he’d left North Carolina and started a new life somewhere. It never crossed my mind that he could be so close.

“Finn?” I shift in my seat, watching people walk in and out of the gray building across the street.

“It’s starting soon,” he says like I’m supposed to know what the hell he’s talking about.

“What’s starting?”

“The meeting.” He gives me the bare minimum.

“The meeting? What meeting?”

“Let’s go.” He dodges my question, gesturing to the tall building with his chin and killing the engine.

I climb out of the vehicle and follow him to the entrance. A gold plaque with the words Town Hall hangs above the double doors, and I can’t seem to figure out why Finn would take me to a town meeting when we don’t even live in said town.

Finn pulls one of the wooden doors open and holds it for me. I reply with a smile, venturing into a large hallway with high ceilings and fancy light fixtures. Finn takes the lead as soon as we’re inside, ambling down the hallway without hesitation. He’s obviously been here many times before.

I shadow him for a moment, a million questions racing through my mind. Until Finn comes to a stop in front of a closed door with a frosted rectangular window and a sheet of paper that says “AA.”

It’s just two letters, but one look at the sign and I understand that we’re not here for a town meeting. We’re here for an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. Voices can be heard on the other side of the door. A lot of them. The place is obviously packed.

Finn glances at me over his shoulder. “You wanted to know where I spent most of my time. Well, there you have it.”

I’m surprised. No, I’m shocked. As though I didn’t truly believe he’d done the work until now. Not because I thought he was lying but because I know how hard it can be to fight your demons on your own. But that’s just the thing, isn’t it?

He wasn’t on his own.

“Ready?” he asks, and I give a small nod. If I’m being honest, I’m a bit intimidated by the thought of meeting the people Finn’s been spending so much of his time with.

Finn reaches for the knob, but just as he’s about to open the door, I grab his hand, seeking reassurance. I didn’t even mean to do it; it just happened. How strange is it that he’s sharing his recovery with me, and I’m the nervous wreck?

I’d have to be blind to miss the dopey grin on his face when I link our fingers together. He turns to look at me but doesn’t say anything. Embarrassed, I try to take back my hand, but Finn holds on tighter. It’s like he’s saying, Nope, too late.

Finn turns the handle and enters the AA meeting a second later. As expected, the room is crawling with people. Some old, some young, some tall, some short. The walls are painted a warm shade of yellow, and a folding snack table is placed in the corner of the room, covered in cookies, veggies and dips, and a drip coffee machine.

This place… these people…

They’re part of the reasons why Finn is sober now.

We’ve barely taken two steps into the room before a high-pitched voice startles me. “Finn, you’re back!”

I spin to see a tall, gorgeous blonde girl heading in our direction. She looks like she’s a bit older than us—by a few years at most—and is wearing high heels, a white off-the-shoulder blouse, and a leather skirt. She stops in front of us, her smile fading when she notices me hiding behind Finn.

“Hey, Brooke.” Finn smiles, using our linked hands to bring me closer. I notice Brooke staring at our intertwined fingers and let go of Finn’s hand without realizing it.

Brooke forces a smile. “I thought you left town? Kind of shitty of you to leave without saying goodbye, by the way.”

He left without telling anyone goodbye?

“Yeah. Disappearing out of the blue is kind of his thing.” I take a jab at Finn, but for the first time since he came back, it doesn’t come from a place of anger. This Brooke girl doesn’t so much as acknowledge my existence.