“Right. Sorry.” He clears his throat. “Dad and I are having dinner two weeks from now. We’d love it if you could join us.”

I stress my bottom lip. “I don’t know if I’m ready.”

“Look, Dia, you can hate me. You can choose to never talk to me again, but please… please don’t take it out on Dave. He loves you. He’s loved you since the first time he laid eyes on you.”

“Right. That’s why you had to force him to adopt me.” My words are bitter to the taste. I know I’m being unfair. Dave and Jesse are the reason I had a wonderful childhood and a loving family, but I’m still so mad at them for keeping such a big part of my life from me.

“I didn’t force him to do anything. He wanted you from the moment I told him you were my kid.”

His usage of the word “kid” throws me for a loop.

It’s true.

I’m Jesse’s kid.

I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.

“And you would know that. If you’d returned any of our phone calls in the past year. Yes, we fucked up. And we want to make it right, but we can’t do that unless you meet us halfway.”

He has a point. I’ve been the furthest thing from responsive. It’s pretty hard to explain yourselves to someone who won’t pick up the phone.

“Wouldn’t you rather have all the information before you make a decision? There’s still so much you don’t know.”

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have questions. Ever since the truth came out, I’ve wondered what happened in that foster home. How Jesse could get my mom pregnant at twelve. How he even found out I was his daughter and not the product of rape. He seems so sure that we’re related, but was it ever confirmed?

“Look me in the eyes and tell me you aren’t curious about your mom.” Jesse speaks my mind, and I look up, my throat aching when I catch the plea simmering in his gaze.

I’ve been sitting with this anger for so long it’s become a part of me. Instead of trying to get rid of it, I held it close, bonded with it, accepted that it was here to stay. I treated my anger like it was permanent. But maybe it doesn’t have to be.

“Come on. Dinner? What do you say?” Jesse begs, joining his hands together.

I let out a sigh.

“What time is this dinner?”

* * *

I show up at Lenny’s fifteen minutes late.

It started hailing just as I was getting ready to leave, and Jesse offered to give me a ride. He might not be my favorite person right now, but I couldn’t resist the prospect of staying dry. The girls are already sipping on hot beverages, gathered around a round table by an electric fireplace, when I come in.

“There she is.” Aveena’s smile grows in size as I approach the table, and Lacey looks up from her phone, noticing me.

“Got your usual.” Lacey picks up the disposable coffee cup on the table.

“Thanks.” I snatch the only seat available, take off my jacket, and rest it on my lap. “Sorry I’m late.”

“What happened? I thought you were coming straight after class.” Lacey hands me my drink, and I give her a thankful smile.

“Let’s just say I ran into a blast from the past.” I remain vague, dreading their questions. I’d rather not rehash my family drama in the middle of a crowded café.

Aveena’s brow furrows at my explanation, a hint of worry flashing in her eyes. “Who was it?”

“Jesse, who else?”

Her shoulders drop with relief at my answer.

Am I missing something here?