“What the hell is this? A trial?” I hurry up the stairs in spite of my dads calling my name. I waste no time grabbing my charger on my nightstand. I have no idea how I’m going to get past them, but I have to try.

For Finn’s sake.

I’ve barely stepped foot into the kitchen when Gaten rises off his seat. He joins his husband and son by the front door. They’re all standing near the exit like some sort of human wall.

“Let me pass.” My throat hurts so much it’s hard to speak.

Jesse scoffs. “Why? So, you can keep fighting a losing battle?”

It’s not a losing battle. And I’m not giving up on Finn.

Over my dead body.

“You don’t know what you’re talking about.” I attempt to walk around them, but Jesse blocks the door.

“Look, I talked to your boy when he dropped your stuff on the porch. I may not like the guy, but I agree with him on this one. This has to end.”

“Get out of my way,” I warn.

“For fuck’s sake, Dia, don’t you get it? This boy is going to destroy you.”

I lose it. “I don’t care!”

“Just look at yourself.” Dave steps closer. “I barely even recognize you anymore. This Finn kid has turned you into a liar.”

That’s what tips me over the brink.

“Like father, like daughter, right?” The words slip out of my mouth before I can hold them back.

Dave’s features twist with shock, his mouth parting an inch. “What is that supposed to mean?”

Gaten steps in between us, sticking his hands up as though he’s waving a white flag. “I-I think we all need to calm down.”

I wish I could, but this is a can of worms that can’t be closed once opened.

“It means you’ve been lying to me my whole life.” I throw their sins in their faces.

I’ve never seen my father look so pale. Dave stumbles backward, but shock isn’t the most prominent emotion in his eyes. It’s fear. He’s fucking terrified of this coming out.

“Honey, what is she talking about?” Gaten asks, and Jesse and Dave exchange guilty looks. Oh, God. They were in this together. Gaten and I were the only ones who didn’t know.

I lay it out. “I’m talking about the fact that our foster father was a child molester and my mom was his fourteen-year-old victim.”

Gaten’s jaw drops.

“Is this… Is this true?” Gaten turns to his husband.

“I’m so sorry,” Dave croaks, stealing a glance at Jesse, who’s clenching his fists so tightly it hurts to look at. Gaten’s hand jumps to his mouth at the confirmation, pure horror plastered to his face. As for Jesse and Dave, they look like they’re about to hurl.

“And you knew? When you suggested that we adopt her, too?” Gaten accuses.

Is that what happened? Jesse must’ve confided in Dave about my birth mom’s story and convinced him to adopt me as well. But then why wouldn’t Dave tell his own husband? The answer comes to me before I can throw the question out there. He was probably afraid Gaten would say no. That’s a lot of baggage to agree to. Overwhelmed, Gaten plops down onto a kitchen chair, his gaze vacant as he stares ahead of him.

“Were you ever going to tell me?”

“Not even on my death bed,” Dave says shamelessly.

I want to be mad at him. I want to scream, to go apeshit on him, but my initial reaction is to cry all the water my body contains.