
Note to self: always keep a phone charger in your car.

Driving down my street, I grip the steering wheel until the blood drains from my hands. I can’t believe I forgot to charge my phone yesterday. I’d just gotten home after my argument with Finn, and I was too busy wallowing in my misery to notice my low battery.

I realized my GPS was going to die on me halfway to my destination. I usually know my way around Silver Springs, but I’ve never been to that part of town, and I wasn’t trying to get lost when Finn needs me the most.

I had no choice but to turn my car around and drive straight home to pick up my charger. A bad feeling settles in my stomach when I park in my parents’ driveway. To my surprise, my brother’s car is there.

We’re almost never home at the same time these days. Jesse recently landed a bartending job two towns over. He works night shifts now, which means he sleeps all day, and I get a break from his overbearing ass. I shoot Finn a quick text saying, “I’ll be there soon,” before rushing out of my car. I just need to get in, grab my charger, and get out. Hopefully, I’ll get to him before he does something stupid.

Easy enough, right?

I understand my definition of “easy” needs some work from the moment I unlock the door and come face-to-face with my family. Gaten and Dave are seated at the kitchen table with stern expressions. As for Jesse, he’s waiting for me by the door, tattooed arms folded over his chest. Their gazes remain locked on me as I venture into the house.

They look mad.

No, they look furious.

“What’s going on?” I don’t beat around the bush.

“Did you and Aveena have fun last night?” Dave is the first to speak, which validates my suspicions.

They know.

They fucking know.

“Sure.” I nearly choke on my guilt.

After I came back from Finn’s early last night, I told Gaten I’d changed my mind about sleeping over at Aveena’s. He didn’t say anything and focused on doing the dishes. Come to think of it, he barely even looked at me.

Did he know then?

My answer seems to trigger them because Dave gives his husband his best “I told you so” look, and disappointment flashes in Gaten’s gaze. They were testing me, weren’t they?

“Did Aveena move?” Dave’s question gives me pause.

Confused, I ask, “No, why?”

“Because you didn’t go to her address, that’s why.”

My eyes dance between Dave and Gaten for a moment. The story my brain is concocting seems to be missing a key element. My jaw drops when it hits me.

“You didn’t,” I mutter.

Dave nods. “Damn right we did.”

They’ve been tracking me. I don’t know how, but they put a tracker on me. I jerk my phone out of my pocket, assessing it carefully. Is it my phone? My car? Fuck, how could I not notice?

“First you tell me who I can and can’t see, and now you’re spying on me?” The venom in my voice is unjustified.

I’m not even mad at them. I’m mad at myself. I hate that I let the wedge between us get this big. I hate that I was so dishonest with them they felt the need to hide a goddamn tracker in my stuff.

“What kind of morons do you take us for? We’re not that fucking gullible. We know you went to see Finn,” Jesse snaps, and if eyes could throw flames, he’d be as roasted as a fucking s’more right now.

Why is he acting like I betrayed his trust? I can understand my dads being pissed, but he’s my brother. Last I checked, discipline isn’t a part of his job description.

I decide that I’ve heard enough when Jesse adds, “What do you have to say for yourself?”