My hand flies to my jeans pocket, but…

My phone is gone.

“Missing something?” Finn taunts.

No fucking way.

I swivel to see Finn holding my phone, an infuriating smirk playing on his lips. How did he even… Shit,hemust’ve picked my pockets when he jerked me to his chest.

“Give it.” I flatten out my palm.

“Why? You obviously don’t know how to use it, or else you would’ve answered my million fucking texts.”

Clever bastard.

“What can I say? Ignoring you is a full-time job.” I shoot him a sly smile. “Now, give it back.”

Finn cocks an eyebrow, defiance glimmering in his eyes, and slips my phone into his pocket like it’s leverage.

“Not until we talk.”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

“Jesus, Dia, you haven’t even given me one chance to explain myself.”

“You mean I haven’t given you a chance to lie,” I correct.

“I told you I didn’t cheat on you.”

“When was that again?” I stop to think. “Oh, right. At Theo’s party. Just before you disappeared to fuck Remy.”

Pain streaks across his gaze like a shooting star.

Then he croaks, “You really think that low of me?”

His hurt expression feels like a butcher knife slicing through my heart. What else am I supposed to think here? The evidence keeps piling up.

“You really think I’d ruin what we had… for one night?”

I open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

“I didn’t fuck Remy at the party. All we did was talk.”

“Do you seriously expect me to believe that?”

He nods. “Yes. Because it’s true.”

He steps dangerously close to me.

I back away.

“Enlighten me, then. What were you talking about?”

“You,” he says bluntly.


“Yes, you.” He steps forward again, and I’m starting to run out of room to escape. “I was begging her to tell you the truth. I didn’t fucking touch her.”