A bit nervous, I break my own rules and shoot him a text.

Dia: Text me again and I’ll block your number.

I look up to see his smirk grow.

Finn: Fine, but if you’re going to block me, at least hear me out first. Let me tell you the truth. Please.

A whirlwind of emotion flips my stomach upside down.

I may be a fool for believing him, but I can’t help thinking that a cheater wouldn’t be this confident. He sounds so sure of himself. Like he’s certain that I’ll forgive him down the road. What if therereally is more to the story?

Conflicted, I glance toward him and see the cockiness in his eyes has been replaced by a sad, pleading smile. He’s begging me to let him explain. And for the first time since I saw the sex tape…

I want to.

“Everyone, get the fuck out! The cops are here.” Axel’s voice brings my overthinking to a halt. Before I know it, Sebastian is gone. No, everyone is gone. Theo, Finn, Xavier. Even Aveena.

Seniors are running, pushing each other on their way out of the gym. I call my best friend’s name, caught in the frantic crowd, but get no reply. It’s dark as shit in the hallways, too. I have no idea where I’m going, but I keep running.




Until someone grabs my wrist and holds me back.

At first, I’m convinced the cops found me. Then a delicious cologne wraps me up, and I’m dragged into some sort of closet. Darkness surrounds us, a red night-light barely illuminating the space. My back hits a wall, the door closing with a thud, and I cringe at the strong scent of chemicals.

Why does it smell like cleaning products?

A large hand is smacked over my mouth before I can make sense of my surroundings. All I can focus on is the overwhelming smell of bleach and the sound of footsteps fading down the hallway.

Then… nothing.

Silence fills the small room, and I look up, my heart beating out of my rib cage at the familiar hazel eyes staring back at me.

Aveena was right…

This isn’t going to end well.