
I’ve never been a quitter.

When I want something, you can bet your firstborn I’m going to do whatever the fuck it takes to get it. But that doesn’t mean I’m blind. I could see it on Dia’s face. I wasn’t getting through to her. Might as well be screaming into a void. They say there comes a moment in life where you have to admit defeat. Well, for me? That moment is now. Plan A didn’t work.

Time for plan B.

I’ve just closed the door to Theo’s bedroom when a throaty laugh spills from Remy’s lips. “I’m here two minutes, and we’re already alone together. Not bad, Richards.”

She pulls her phone out of her cleavage the next second, texting God knows who. I drink her in—her coal-black hair, pale skin, and vivid blue eyes—memories of the last time I saw her gnawing at me.

One night.

One stupid night and everything went to hell.

“Put your phone down,” I command.

She doesn’t even spare me a glance, her focus directed to her phone.

“Remy, I’m not fucking kidding. Put your phone away.”


I cut across Theo’s bedroom in no time and steal the phone from her.

She holds her hands up in surrender. “Jesus Christ, fine, I’m listening.”

“Do you even know why I brought you here?” I question, tossing her phone onto the bed.

A vicious smile on her face, Remy closes the gap between us. “I have a few theories.”

Is she fucking serious?

She thinks I brought her here to have sex with her?

Well, someone’s in for a rude awakening.

I move away before she can get too close. “What did I ever do to you?”

She halts at my comment, confusion gleaming in her eyes.

“I must’ve done something unforgivable. You know, since you’re hell-bent on ruining my fucking life.”

Her eyes light up in understanding. “I’m assuming you’re talking about the house sitter disaster? Yeah, Lacey told me. It’s a shame someone sent her our video.”

“Cut the bullshit. I know it was you.”

She avoids my gaze, checking out her nails.

“It wasn’t bad enough that you recorded me without my consent. You had to send her the fucking video, too?” I step forward, anger overwhelming me. Remy steps back, not nearly as cocky as she was a minute prior.

Still, she plays dumb.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I heave a sigh, shoving a hand through my hair in exasperation.

I’m wasting my time, aren’t I?