Why are you so stubborn, and why do I love you even more for it?

Come back to me.


But I doubt she’d answer any of those messages, so I figured I’d opt for something less pathetic. Who am I kidding? I look like a needy little bitch no matter what I do. I cringe deep in my bones as I scroll through all the messages I’ve sent her.

Finn: Can we talk?

Finn: You can’t just ignore me after what happened.

Finn: Dia, stop messing with my fucking head.

Finn: Talk to me. I’m begging you.

On second thought, these messages are way more pathetic. Might be why she hasn’t deigned to answer any of them. Two days have gone by since I cornered her in the bathroom and made her eat her words. Did I expect an orgasm against the bathroom counter to fix everything between us?


But I sure as hell didn’t think it would make things worse.

I can still see her on her knees, her hand wrapped around my cock as she pumped the cum out of me. It was the best fucking feeling. Until we finished and her walls went back up—pretty sure they grew a few inches in the process.

As soon as we were done, she pushed to her feet, put on her robe, and then walked out of the bathroom. Although she did stop for a second to stare at something on my chest. Didn’t take me long to figure out what she was looking at.

My diamond tattoo.

I got it after I left town, which would explain why she’d never seen it before.

I’m losing my mind, waiting for her to come home. My guess is she’s crashing with a friend, or maybe she went back to the dorms? Either way, I’m not above tracking her ass down and bringing her home. If she hasn’t answered my texts by tomorrow, I’m going out to find her.

It’s past nine o’clock by the time Xavier and I crash in front of the TV to watch football. Aveena’s in bed by 8:00 p.m. every night lately. Something about her not sleeping well because she’s pregnant.

I can’t pay attention to the game, constantly glancing at the front door and waiting for Dia to show her face. That’s all I do these days.

I told Xavier I’d start looking for a job even though I drained most of my savings to help him out with the rent. He refused, at first, but he’s got a kid on the way, and I’m not about to leech off my best friend.

I know I’m going to need to work eventually so that I can afford my own place next semester, but all I can think about right now is getting my girl back. I try and stay home as much as I can on the off chance that I’ll run into Dia. I swear chasing this fucking girl is a full-time job.

“Hey, asshole?” Xavier’s voice snaps me out of it.

I look up at him. How long has he been talking to me?

“What?” I slouch against the pullout couch I’ve called my bed for a few weeks.

He cocks an eyebrow. “Did you hear a single thing I just said?”

“Not one,” I say honestly.

“Next time you get your dick sucked in my bathroom, could you at least make sure we’re not going to come home and hear the whole fucking thing?”

I should probably be embarrassed that they heard us. Especially since we tried our best to be quiet, but I can’t bring myself to care. We were too wrapped up in the moment to stop, and I can handle them hearing me finish if it means I have my girl to myself for a few minutes.

“That wasn’t the whole thing. You came in at the end.”

He fake gags. “It was more than enough. You could’ve put a sock on the doorknob or some shit.”

I shrug. “Consider yourself lucky I wasn’t raw dogging her on your couch.”