I bite back a grin.

At least he’s honest.

I get on my back, staring at the night sky, and Finn matches my actions, tilting his head to look at me.

“What happened?” he asks.

You happened, a voice in my head screams. You and your cunning smiles and your newfound self-control and your stupid gorgeous hazel eyes…

You did this, Finn.

You ruined this for me.

“What are you even doing out here?” I change the topic.

“Xavier kicked me out of the apartment while he and Aveena…” He pauses, searching for the right words.

“Make baby number two?” I chuckle.

He smirks. “Something like that.”

There’s a beat of silence.

“Hey, what did you want to talk to me about?”

Okay, Dia, let’s start with something easy, then we can work our way up to “a criminal wants to kill you.”

“The guy who ran over Lexie is getting transferred to a prison out of state next month.”

Judging by the look on his face, this isn’t a new piece of information to him.

“Yeah, I know. My dad left me a voicemail about it.”

He’s still in touch with his dad?

I figured they weren’t on speaking terms after I found out Finn was living in his car and wearing used, worn-out clothes. Hank Richards is nothing if not a proud man. He always made sure his kids reflected his fortune.

“You should know I went to see him in jail today.”

3, 2, 1…

“You did what?” Finn blurts out, his conflicted expression clueing me in as to his inner dialogue. He thinks I went to see that dirtbag on purpose.

“I didn’t mean to. I was just as surprised as you are. Turns out he’s Chance’s older brother.”

“The fuck were you and Chance doing in prison anyway?”

“He asked me to come visit his brother with him. He didn’t want to go alone.”

I refrain from telling him that the real reason Chance wanted me to come along was to get information out of me.

Finn’s eyes widen in realization. “Holy shit…”


“Chance said ‘that’s for my brother’after he punched me that night at Theo’s. It didn’t make any sense. That’s why he hates my guts. He thinks I’m responsible for his brother being sent to jail.”

“Believe me, he doesn’t think that anymore. I told him what happened that day. He knows it wasn’t your fault, but… that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. He told me to pass along a message from Joel.”