
Breakups are never fun…

But you know what’s even less fun? Knowing the relationship is over and having to wait for them to break up with you in person. Days have passed since Theo’s party, none of which included any type of communication with Chance.

Or Finn, for that matter.

I wouldn’t have blamed Chance if he’d decided to never speak to me again, but he sent me a message yesterday, asking if we were still on to visit his brother in jail this afternoon.

I was surprised, to say the least. I didn’t understand why he’d want me to accompany him after all that’s happened, but then I figured we might as well have a conversation before going our separate ways. Plus, I promised him I’d be there for him during this difficult moment, and I have every intention of keeping my word.

Chance is still going to be in my life since he’s Theo’s roommate, and I’m not sure I’d survive being on bad terms with not one but two of my exes. It’s horrible enough that I have to live with one of them until the end of the summer; I don’t need the other one avoiding me like the plague.

Speaking of avoiding people, I’m pretty sure Aveena is this close to sticking a private investigator on my ass to find out where I’m hiding during the day.

After the party, I went right back to spending most of my time at the library and staying out until everyone’s asleep. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t disappear on Aveena again, but I didn’t anticipate how I would feel following Finn’s intervention at Theo’s.

He was so different that night. Sure, he almost flipped his shit at the thought of Chance forcing himself on me, but in the end, when I started to panic, he was there for me.

More than he’s ever been before.

In the past, I was always the one to calm Finn down when he was spiraling. I came through when he was at his most vulnerable state many times, but he was never able to do the same for me. The guy I knew was far too unstable to be my anchor, but now?

He feels solid.


Like I could actually rely on him, too.

I’m not saying I’m ready to forgive him, but his changed behavior sure is making me wonder how he gained so much self-control. I’m growing more and more curious about where he ran off to this past year, and I’ve been thinking of lowering my weapons and letting him explain himself.

He said he had his reasons for leaving and that one day when I was ready, he’d share them with me. I’m starting to think “one day” should be soon.

I pad out of my bedroom at around 10:30 a.m. I’ve been holed up in there, waiting for Aveena and Xavier to leave for the restaurant for two hours now. They’re having brunch with Xavier’s dad downtown, and I wasn’t in the mood to deal with my best friend’s interrogation so early in the morning.

Chance should be here to pick me up at any moment, and I heard Finn leave a few minutes ago, which means the coast is clear. If I had to guess, I’d say Finn went to the gym. Aveena says that’s all he does these days. When he’s not looking for a summer job, he’s working out. Apparently, that’s his new thing.

I’ve just stepped out of my room when the front door creaks open. Finn ambles inside the next second, the strap of his gym bag hanging down his shoulder. His hair is a gorgeous mess, his eyes made small by obvious lack of sleep. He spots me in a matter of seconds, and I consider heading back to my room.

Ah, screw it. A few minutes in his presence aren’t going to kill me.

“I thought you left for the gym.” I start digging inside my purse.

He shrugs. “Forgot my headphones.”

I nod, denying him eye contact, but it doesn’t stop him from watching me intently. I don’t attempt to make conversation, pulling my keys out of my purse. I make my way to the front door, intending to wait for Chance outside, but Finn doesn’t budge an inch. I crane my neck to face him, shooting him a look that says Move.

Instead, he gives me a once-over, chewing on his bottom lip. “You look… amazing.”

My cheeks flare. “Thank you.”

I made an effort this morning. Blame it on my ego. All I know is I’d rather not look homeless when Chance inevitably breaks up with me. I expect Finn to let me pass, but he stays put, torturing me with his persistent stares and dazzling smile.

I clear my throat. “If you don’t mind, I have a date.”

His smile withers away instantly.

“A date, huh?” he asks, his voice flat.