

As in, he went voluntarily?

We’re talking about the boy who drove his first therapist so insane she eventually refused to see him anymore.

He inches closer to me, planting his palms on the counter behind me and caging me in. “You don’t believe my words? Fine. But at least believe my actions.”

We stare at each other for the longest five seconds of my life.

I clear my throat. “I think I saw a first aid kit around here somewhere.”

Finn backs away, and I start to go through the drawers of the bathroom vanity. I can feel his hazel eyes tracking my every move, the weight of his attention too heavy to bear.

“I’m guessing you spend a lot of time here, then?” he fishes for conversation.

“What makes you think that?”

“You just seem to know where everything is.”

I shoulder check him. He’s leaning against the door, as if to make sure I won’t run back to the party and leave him hanging.

“Yeah, I come here a lot.” I keep my answer short.

“And do you spend the night often?” he adds.

What’s with all the questions?

“Sometimes,” I lie.

I haven’t spent the night at Chance’s since we started dating, but that’s none of Finn’s business.

“Does that mean you and Chance have… shared a bed?”

I find the first aid kid underneath the sink seconds later and swallow a laugh.

Is he seriously asking me what I think he’s asking me?

I drop the kit on the counter and spin to face him. “Why don’t you say what you really mean?”

Any normal person would be embarrassed. No one likes being put on the spot, but Finn doesn’t seem fazed by it in the slightest. If anything, he seems amused.

“Okay.” He pushes off the door and walks over to me. He only stops once I have to crane my neck to catch a glimpse of his face. “Did you fuck him?” he says without a sliver of shame.

My answer is immediate. “No.”

A satisfied grin stretches the corners of his mouth.

What the fuck? Why did I just tell him that?

“What about other guys? Did you fuck anyone while I was gone?” he takes it a step farther.

I manage to stop myself from answering this time. “Are you serious? You disappear for an entire year, and you think I owe you a detailed list of every guy I had in my bed?”

I abstain from telling him that the list would be a short one. Chance and I dry humped each other once. And then there was…

Nope, that’s it.