I’ve been leaning against Theo’s house, watching students fall on their asses and puke all over themselves for thirty minutes now, and I’ve never wanted to drink less in my life.

I bring the flask in my hand to my mouth and take a sip of the nonalcoholic gin Ruben recommended. Shit tastes like sewer water mixed with cleaning supplies. If he were here, I’d tell him that his taste buds have been ruined by old age, and he’d either call me an arrogant little shit or a punk.

Feels weird not seeing him every day. We still talk and check in through texts, but I’ve gotten so used to his cheesy, inspirational quotes and superhuman patience over the past year that I feel a bit lost without him.

“I knew that sober talk was bullshit.”

I whisk my head to the side and find Chance standing a few feet away from me, murder written all over his face. I don’t bother explaining that I’m drinking sewer water—I mean nonalcoholic gin.

“The fuck do you want?” I drawl.

It’s dark outside but bright enough for me to see his bloodshot eyes and wobbly walk. The guy is wasted and furious, which is never a good combo.

He stumbles over to me, his voice venomous as he spits, “For you to stop drooling all over my girlfriend.”

A scoff rips from my throat. “Sorry, no can do.”

And I’m not lying. I couldn’t stop looking at her even if I tried. Although something tells me this isn’t just about Dia. He looked shocked when he heard my last name earlier, and his facial expression screams, I wish you’d get hit by a truck. Whatever this is, it feels personal.

“Why did you come back?” he says in an accusatory tone.

Is that even a question?

“You know why.”

He lets out a mocking laugh. “You’re never going to get her to forgive you, you know that, right?”

I shrug. “Maybe, but I sure as hell am going to try.”

Silence lingers in the air for a moment.

“Is that all?” I cock an eyebrow.

At first, he hesitates. But then he says, “No.”

I barely have a chance to react before he draws his fist back and punches me across the jaw as hard as he can. My cheek stings, the initial pain making me wince, and my head snaps up. I consider going apeshit on him, but my voice of reason butts in.

Don’t do it, Finn.

Don’t you fucking do it.

I knew this Chance guy had a darkness to him. He’s clearly the jealous type and turns into an insecure little boy at the first sign of trouble in his relationship, but even I didn’t see that coming.

I take a step forward, and he stumbles back on cue, obviously scared shitless. He talks a big game, but he knows he couldn’t take me in a fight. If I throw myself at him right now, he’s done for.

He clears his throat to regain his composure. “That’s for my brother.”

Then he turns to leave.

What the fuck?

* * *


My heart is racing as I rush into the upstairs bathroom and slam the door behind me. I feel like I’m about to puke, which is alarming considering I haven’t been drinking tonight. I plant my palms on the bathroom counter, eyeing my reflection in the mirror and replaying the event I just witnessed on a loop.

Chance punched Finn.