He takes his sweet time writing his message. Then he pulls away, his thumb grazing my wrist as he does and covering my arm in goose bumps. A cunning smile plays on his face when I swallow hard.


He knows what he’s doing.

Finn’s barely pushed the cap of the highlighter back on when a pair of arms wraps around my waist from behind.

“There she is. I’ve been looking all over for you.” Chance’s lips are on my cheek instantly, his breath laced with rum. I force a smile, glancing at him over my shoulder. He’s already wasted, and it’s not even eleven.

I don’t have many turn-offs. It takes a lot for me to see a guy differently, but drinking excessively is a guaranteed way to push me away. I put up with Finn’s alcohol addiction when we were together, and I’d rather give up on men forever than go through that again. In Chance’s defense, this is the first time I’ve seen him this drunk. Let’s hope it doesn’t become a recurring thing.

I wonder if Finn still drinks as much as he did. He said he went away to fix his issues, and if you ask me, his alcohol consumption ranked pretty high on the list. I betray myself by glancing up at him. Finn’s face is a blank mystery as he stares at Chance and me. He doesn’t have a drink, but he’s gripping the highlighter in his hand so tightly that his knuckles are white.

Oh, he’s pissed.

My cheeks heat up at the thought.

“Bet you’re glad you came now,” Lacey chimes as Chance plants a handful of kisses up and down my face.

“Aw, are you blushing?” Aveena says, and I laugh, playing the part, but the truth is, Chance didn’t make me blush.

Finn did.

Not that it matters. Finn used to say that no one would ever fuck me but him. He was so sure he was going to be the first and the last man in my bed, but tonight?

I get to prove him wrong.