Hold on…

This isn’t the first time they’ve hooked up?

My throat aches.

Poor Xavier.

A long moment of silence ensues.

Normally, this would be when it sinks in.

The looming self-hatred that comes with betraying your oldest friend. If this Finn guy has even a sliver of humanity, he’ll come around before betraying Xavier.


“Fuck the blowie. Lift up your skirt,” Finn commands.

Nope, still a sociopath.

“God, you’re so hot. I love a guy who takes charg—”

“I must’ve missed it,” Finn cuts her off.

“Missed what?” she questions.

“The part where I tell you to fucking talk.”

Holy shit…

I can’t help laughing in my head.

“What the fuck?”

That’s when I realize that I’m an idiot.

And what I did just now?

Definitely not in my head.

The lights come on immediately, and I wonder if I could get away with pretending to be asleep. Then I decide that if talking in your sleep is weird, laughing in your sleep is downright terrifying.

From the moment my sight adjusts to the light, I see Brie jolt to her feet, her dark red hair a tangled mess, followed by Finn, who leaps off the bed in a knee-jerk reflex.

Not a word is uttered for the next five seconds, but it feels like thirty. Brie and Finn don’t move a muscle as they stare at me like I’m some feral creature waiting to pounce. Brie is wearing a black push-up bra and a short denim skirt while Finn…

Finn is just annoying.

I knew Finn Richards was hot from seeing him at school, but I didn’t know shirtless Finn Richards was the kind of gorgeous you want to punch in the face on behalf of average-looking males everywhere.

I scan him from head to toe, starting with the silver chain hanging down his neck, the black jeans falling an inch too low around his hips, and the deep V-line pointing to his, ahem, downstairs neighbor.

And those abs…

Lord, have mercy.

Tousled brown hair drapes down his forehead, concealing sharp hazel eyes where pits of darkness are brewing. Sleeves of tattoos snake up his arms, the ink covering every inch of his biceps. Top that with a jaw so sharp it could draw blood and you have yourself a dirty, cruel temptation with a bow on top.

The big guy definitely worked weekends making this one.