Like I should pay a fine for daring to be in her line of vision.

Finn doesn’t seem particularly pleased by her presence. Completely clueless, Louise drops her towel on the kitchen table and hurries over to Finn, a pearly white smile on her face.

“Hey, good-looking.”


Finn doesn’t say a word, but it doesn’t seem to throw her off one bit because she laces her arms around his neck, mashes her breasts with his pecs, and slams her mouth over his.

He doesn’t kiss her back at first, but then…

He does.

I watch as his lips move slowly with hers, the way she moans against the filthy, tempting mouth that whispered dirty things to me in the library just three days ago. For a second, I wonder if he said the same things to her last night. What they did, how they did it, where they did it.

“I thought you left.” Finn pushes her off a moment later.

“Well, I obviously didn’t.” She goes from horny to offended in a split second. “Why? Did you want me to?”

Finn starts to answer, only stopping himself to shoot me a glance that clearly means why are you still here?

I rise off the stool. “Let me grab my coffee, then I’ll be out of your hair.”

My intervention earns me one of Louise’s extra-nasty looks, as if she just noticed that I was here. I’m picking up my filled mug from under the coffee machine when her voice reaches my ears.

“And you are?” she asks.

I pivot slowly, wondering why she even cares.

“Dia?” It comes out as a question, as though I’m not sure of my own name.

Then her face drops.

I glance at my housemate, whose fists are clenched so tight his knuckles are white.

“Is something wrong?” I question.

“I thought I’d imagined it,” Louise whispers to herself.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Get the fuck out,” Finn growls at me before Louise can clear things up, and I look at him like he’s on some serious crack but comply nonetheless.

I slide the patio door open, and Lexie leaps off her dog bed to follow me. We step out onto the patio, but seconds before I close the door, I hear Louise say, “Does she know?”

What is that all about?

Do I know what?

Questions spinning in my head, I pad to the patio set with Lexie, never taking my eyes off Finn and his conquest through the kitchen’s large windows.

I can’t hear what they’re saying anymore, and damn do I wish I had super hearing right now. I plop down on the L-shaped patio sectional, Lex hopping next to me, and watch as Louise flings her arms around and yells at Finn.

“Five bucks says she slaps him.” Theo’s voice startles me, and I yelp, twisting my neck to see him lying in the hammock behind me—I forgot he was napping out here.

“Jesus, Theo.” I bring my hand to my racing heart.

“I’m sorry, did I interrupt your creeping?” Theo snorts, and embarrassment taints my skin.