
Most moms tell their daughters “Good morning” or “Did you sleep well?” first thing on a Saturday morning. Most moms ask you what you want for breakfast, or what you’ve got planned for the day…

But my mom…

My mom gives me my to-do list.

Sometimes, it’s picking up Ash’s clothes from the dry cleaner. Other times, it’s driving Ashley to an early photo shoot.

This time, it’s going into town to fetch her fancy mineral water, because Mom says tap water is no good, and Ash needs to stay hydrated during her private dance lesson.

My mom insisted being a good singer doesn’t mean squat if you can’t dance, and Ashley needs to become a “real performer” to stand a chance in LA.

And so, here I am, waiting in line at our local grocery store with five bottles of Fiji Water dumped into a cart. Unfortunately for me, the entire population of Silver Springs decided to hit the grocery store at the same time, and the line stretches for miles on end. After a few minutes of drumming my fingers on the cart’s handle, I pluck my phone out of my hoodie and select my text conversation with Zac.

I’m supposed to be ghosting him. I should’ve deleted his number the second I hopped out of Xavier’s truck last night. But I didn’t.

I couldn’t.

Instead, I spent seven hours fussing in bed, replaying Xavier’s full name on repeat and trying to debunk my own theories.

Xavier. Zachary. Emery.

Zachary as in… Zac?

No, this has to be a coincidence. Xavier can’t be Zac. He just can’t. And even if he was, it wouldn’t matter, because I’m never texting him again and—

My phone pings with a message.

Zac:I didn’t end up drowning myself in the punch bowl last night… Just in case you were wondering.

I’m mad at myself for smiling at that.

And I’m furious at myself for answering when I just promised I’d never talk to him again.

Love: I wasn’t, but thanks.

His reply comes through ten minutes later.

Zac:Not a morning person, are we?

Love:Just surprised you’re still texting me.

Zac:Why wouldn’t I be?

Love:Gee, I don’t know, maybe because you said our anonymity pact was destined to fail?

Zac:So? Everything in life is.

Love:What’s that supposed to mean?

Zac:Think about it. Our lives literally end because our hearts and bodies fail at some point. Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t enjoy it while it lasts.

Love: Thanks, Dr. Phil.

Zac:I aim to please.

Love: So, you’re saying you’re not nervous about me finding out who you are? Like at all?