Zac:Tried to take a piss outside earlier. Backyard’s off limits.

Damn it.

For what it’s worth, his presence here most likely means he’s part of the basketball team or friends with a player. Whatever it is, he’s got to be popular—even if it’s just by association. Or maybe he’s a stoner? I wouldn’t put it past Theo. I know he tends to invite whoever can keep the grass coming.

Before I can text back, Zac tops it off with an emoji of two hands high fiving each other.

Love:What was that?

Zac:Just me high fiving myself.

Love:For what?

Zac:For being right. I had a feeling you were attractive.

I bite back a chuckle.

Love:Or so you think!!! I could be quasimodo for all you know.

Zac: Not possible. I know these guys. They wouldn’t invite a girl they’d regret waking up to the next day. You’re hot, L. Just deal with it.

I scoff.

I find great irony in the fact that technically, Theo didn’t personally invite me and Lacey is the only reason I’m here. Zac’s so certain of his claims, he never stopped to think that I could be the only non-popular person in this house.

Zac:Don’t take this the wrong way but I wish you’d stayed home. Now I’m going to spend all fucking night thinking about you.

He’s right.

I messed up. I didn’t have to tell him I was here. Sure, the party is crawling with girls, making it hard for him to find me, but I could’ve just kept my big mouth shut instead of digging myself into a massive hole.

Now, I’m going to wonder if every guy I see is him. At least, until Dia agrees to leave, which is probably not happening until four, five a.m. What the hell was I thinking letting her drive me? Did I seriously expect my heartbroken friend to stay sober at a party when her hot mess of a cheating ex is on the guest list?

I study the living room, my heart pounding every time I spot a guy on his phone. The first candidate is Axel, standing by the fireplace, arm wrapped around a brunette’s shoulders, staring at his phone screen with a lazy grin on his fuckboy face.

Oh, God no.

Please no.

On his right is Theo, also on his phone, although he seems to be scrolling on social media rather than texting.

Vee, knock it off!

If you go into detective mode every time you see a guy on his phone, we’ll be here until graduation.

My phone chimes, reminding me that I left my texting buddy on hold.

Zac:I give it a week, tops.


Zac:Our anonymity pact.

Zac:One week. Two, if we’re lucky.

Love:Okay, Negative Nancy.

Zac:What? Someone had to say it. I’m telling you something will happen and we’ll find out without meaning to. No way we can keep this up if we’re friends with the same people.