It is past midnight.

Shut up and do it.

I grab my courage by the vagina,—that’s right, balls are sensitive. Vaginas are the rightful winners here—and compose an answer.

Love:I have a tattoo on my left shoulder.

Seven minutes elapse.

No reply.

Then comes the blow to my ego.

Read at 12:30 a.m.

Okay, I deserved that.

But I’m not giving up just yet.

Love:You wanted to know something new about me, didn’t you?

He reads the message as soon as it delivers.

Five minutes later, he still hasn’t replied.

Oh, well.

Got to learn when to admit defeat.

I begin to put my phone awa—

Zac:What is it?

A big, silly grin creeps onto my lips.

Love:Can’t tell you. It’d be WAY too dangerous if you ever saw me in real life.

His response comes through right away.

Zac:At least tell me why you got it.

I debate on letting him in on my tragic backstory for a minute but quickly come to my senses. No one on this earth knows why I got a caterpillar tattoo on my shoulder.

Hell, until a minute ago, no one on this earth knew I had a tattoo at all. Well, except Dia, who saw it once at a sleepover, but my mom has no idea. You’d be surprised what you can hide when you don’t do tank tops and revealing outfits.

The tattoo’s meaning is a secret I’ll take to my grave. I’m not giving that up to a stranger.

Love:Can’t tell you that either.

No response.

Six minutes later, I worry he’s grown bored of my deflecting.

Until my phone dings again.

Zac:Whatever. Bet it’s a typical girl thing like a rose.

Love: *Buzzer sound* WRONG!