And clos—

“I have to go to the bathroom,” I word-vomit.

Then I’m running inside the house.

* * *

I sit in Finn’s bathroom for thirty minutes after that. And before you ask, no, I’m not taking the dump of the century.

I just couldn’t imagine showing my face outside again after I ran for the hills. At least, not without Dia. Dia who hasn’t even replied to one of my million texts asking if she’d be mad at me for bailing.

Technically, I could’ve left ages ago. I drove my car here, but I’m supposed to be taking Dia home and sleeping at her place tonight. That’s the only reason I’m not in bed right now.

On the bright side, I could hear from the cracked open window in the bathroom that my escape left the gang unfazed. They kept playing, bickering, laughing without a second thought about my disappearing act.

Made me realize that my escape probably seemed a lot more humiliating in my head than it did in real life. As far as they’re concerned, I was just hit by the violent urge to pee and that’s that. They don’t have the slightest clue as to what I was thinking in that moment. And if we’re being honest…

I’mnot even sure what I was thinking.

I’ve always known I was attracted to Xavier Emery—join the fucking club—but I didn’t know it was to the point of running away at the mere thought of kissing him. I don’t understand the effect he has on me, which is why I only have one option: stay the hell away from him until we leave for college and never see each other again.

Easy enough, right?I sigh in relief when my phone lights up with a text from Dia.

Dia:I need to get the hell out of here.

Dia:Wait for me by the door.

My best friend radar goes off instantly, deafening sirens blaring in my head. Something’s wrong.

Aveena:Everything okay?

No reply.

I’m quick to follow her instructions and tiptoe out of the bathroom. I doubt she’s already there, but I don’t mind waiting for her. As long as I don’t run into Xav—

“So that’s where you’ve been hiding?”

Are you fucking kidding me?

He’s right there.

Leaning against the kitchen island, arms folded over his chest, pale eyes set on me. How did I not see him?

“I-I wasn’t hiding,” I stammer.

He glances at the bathroom door, biting back a grin.

Oh my God.

It sounds like I’ve been taking a shit this whole time, doesn’t it?

“Not that I was… you know,” I sputter. “I wasn’t. I actually didn’t even have to go, I…”


