Shit, she got me with that one.

I tense up, my jaw twitching.

“Let her take the fall, Xav. Protect your blood. Protect the people who would protect you. They’re your real family.”

I laugh in her face. She has no idea how ironic this is. My phone pings in my suit pocket, and I peel my mom’s hands off my face before checking the screen. I let myself hope Vee texted me back for a second, but nope, I’m not that lucky.

It’s Finn.

Finn:Tell Brie to jerk you off quicker. You’re late.

I cringe.

Finn’s my oldest friend, but he’s so oblivious it’s almost unbearable. Still can’t believe he thinks I got back with Brie by choice. In his defense, I’m the one keeping him out of the loop. Hard to talk to someone when you can’t tell them the whole story without also telling them that your mother fucked their brother.

“I have to go,” I tell my mom, cold as fucking Antarctica, and race downstairs to meet my dad in the kitchen. Just before I get into his car, I shoot Aveena a thousandth and final text.

Xavier: Look, I know you’re leaving tomorrow and you have no fucking reason to listen to me, but please, just come to the party at Finn’s house.

Then I’ll never text you again.

P.S: I still hate you.