“Admin of the Facebook group? That she is.” Xav nods.

The bombshell shakes me to my core.

“She’s also the one who released the confessions. Bitch has been following us around for a while now,” Xavier adds.

“So, you’re saying Brie forced you to do all this shit? Rejecting me? Treating me like I meant nothing?” I spit.

Guilt obscures his features. “I’m so fucking sorry, Vee.”

It sounds so good coming from him, so simple.

It’d be so easy to pin the blame on his crazy cheerleader ex, but he lost my trust. And he’ll need a lot more than pretty blue eyes and botched apologies to win it back.

I wince. “I want to believe you, Xav, I do, but…”

“But you don’t.” He zooms in on the tiled floor.

A beat of silence.

His heard jerks up. “Fine, then believe this.”

Xavier meets me by the front door, unlocking his phone and scrolling through his camera roll. He flips the screen around to give me a good look and presses Play on a video. The footage shows Xavier sneaking to aisle six before pulling the poetry book off the shelf. The video was shot in between bookshelves so he wouldn’t notice. He scans his surroundings.

Then he slips a confession inside the book.


Talk about damning.

“Brie sent me this the day after we went to the springs,” Xav continues. “Girl’s never been rejected in her life, and she didn’t take it well. She promised she wouldn’t rat me out as long as I remained her little bitch. Her only conditions were that I stay away from you and get back with her. She’s been acting like a delusional psycho. It’s like she thinks we’re really together or some shit.”

I stumble back a step, taking it all in.

“I know it’s a lot, but you have to understand. I didn’t have a choice. My mom… She…” Xavier bites his inner cheek, the right words slipping through his fingers.

His bloodshot eyes stab me straight in the gut.

He’s falling apart.

Crumbling to pieces in front of me.

Right now, Easton High’s god is but a mere mortal. A fallen king who gave up his crown and abandoned his kingdom.

For a short, fleeting moment, he’s one of us.

He hurts.

He bleeds.

And he’s scared.

Just like me.

“My mom could go to jail, Vee,” Xavier croaks and plops down on one of the kitchen chairs. He props his elbows on his spread legs, nestling his head in his hands as strands of his brown hair fall between us like a curtain.

I sit on the chair in front of him.

“I thought I was doing the right thing. Protecting my family, but then last night…” He clenches his fists. “When I saw this Logan motherfucker on top of you… Your torn dress. Fuck, I thought I was going to kill someone. I didn’t give a shit about my mom, or Brie, or anyone. All I cared about was you. The bastard never would’ve laid a hand on you if I…”