“After I kissed you in Finn’s garage, I started thinking of all the times your identity was right in my fucking face, and I realized you had to know. It was the only thing that made sense. Take senior prank night, for example, after we got stuck together. Love—” he uses air quotes, “—conveniently started asking me about the girl I was with. If she was pretty and if I liked her. You’re probably the least subtle person on earth, Harper, you know that?”

“Says the guy who didn’t figure it out until the last second!”

He laughs. “Hey, in my defense, you were misdirecting me left and right. Pretending like you didn’t go to senior prank night to confuse me and shit. I still can’t understand how you found out about me in the first place.”

“Easy, I went to work.”

His confused gaze flicks to me.

“I work at the school library.” I elaborate.

“Shit, really?” He’s stunned.


“I’m guessing you saw me looking for the book, then?”

“No, my coworker did. I only work night-shifts,” I explain. “She ended up telling me you showed up looking for a poetry book and, well… the rest is history.”

He doesn’t say another word for a few seconds, seemingly lost in deep thoughts.

“What are you thinking about?” I question.

“I’m thinking you working at the library explains a lot. Like how you were able to answer my letters every single time.”

“So, you’re not mad?” I chew on my bottom lip. “About me breaking the pact?”

“Nah.” He shrugs. “I told you some shit would happen and we’d find out without meaning to. And I was right, wasn’t I?”

I nod.

Silence envelops us.

I seize the opportunity to sit up and undo the uncomfortably tight bun on top of my head. Xavier eyes me as I let my pink hair flow down my shoulders. I find myself assessing my surroundings for a moment. The tranquil stream and famous springs.

“Something wrong?” Xavier notices.

“No, it’s just…” I exhale, embracing the nostalgia rather than dreading it. “My dad and I used to come here all the time.”

Xavier’s face crumbles.

“Your dad… He’s the one you were talking about in your confession, isn’t he?”

My heart squeezes in my chest.

“Yes, he is,” I admit after a few seconds. “He killed himself when I was nine.”

Xavier’s skin pales. “I’m so fucking sorry, Vee. I had no idea. Do you want to leave?” His hot hand closes around mine, making me overly aware of how icy my hands are, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

I want to stay here, in the empty parking lot next to the springs, with Xavier Emery holding my cold hand.

“Nah, this is perfect.” I shake my head. “I didn’t think I’d ever smile in this place again. Thanks for proving me wrong, dork.”

“Don’t call me that.” He smothers a grin.

Xavier intertwines our fingers, squeezing my hand and lying flat on the bed of blankets. Except, he yanks on my hand to take me down with him and gestures to come closer with a flick of his chin.

My pulse shooting up, I rest my head on his torso, relishing in the sound of his beating heart and the delicious smell of his cologne. Xav stretches his arm out around my shoulders, hugging me to his chest.