For his tongue dancing with mine.

The heavenly sensations prickling down my spine when he bites on my bottom lip and abandons my mouth. The thrill I feel when he bands his hands around the back of my thighs to plant me on the hood of the car.

Parting my legs slightly, I reach for the small chain he always wears around his neck and give it a yank, luring him closer. Xavier’s lips crash back against mine as he settles between my opened thighs.

His large hand falls to my lower back as we shamelessly make out on top of Mr. Richards’s car. We disconnect a minute later, gasping for air, but Xav doesn’t return to my mouth.

This time, he goes straight for my neck.

He works my collarbone like a pro, sucking on my tattooed skin until I’m boneless, and I can’t help moaning at the pressure of his mouth. I waste no time brushing my dyed hair off my shoulder and offering more of myself to him. He smirks at my wordless request, more than willing to deliver. It’s all fun and games until I guide his lips back to mine, my hands creeping inside his opened jacket, while his slink up my rib cage over my shirt.

“Xav,” I moan into his mouth, but it comes out as a warning.

Translation: this is getting out of control.

“I know,” he agrees, his breathing ragged.

We’re on the same page, but neither of us stop chasing the next kiss, the next touch. I don’t recognize the person this boy has made of me. All bets are off when his fingers land on my pierced nipples over the fabric of my clothes, and he slowly flicks them with his thumbs, my thin bralette giving way to every sensation.

We fall backward onto the hood of the car, and I’m shocked by my own actions when I start playing with the buckle of his jeans. What. Are. You. Doing? He grunts at my initiative. I’m about to unbuckle his belt when the universe slams the brakes with a signal we couldn’t ignore if we tried. The loudest, most deafening noise rings throughout the garage.

We just set off the car alarm system.

Chill, Universe, I hear you.

The alarm is so aggressive it shouldn’t be long before Finn, and possibly the whole party, comes rushing into the garage to investigate. Breathless, Xavier and I unglue ourselves from each other, and my phone pings in my pocket.

It’s my mom again.

Mom:Fifteen minutes. Tick-tock.

Her previous threats to unleash the cops on Dia’s birthday party flash in my mind, and I plummet back down to earth. I can’t believe I’m about to leave Xav hanging, but I’d rather my best friend not get charged with underage drinking on her birthday.

“Shit, I have to—”

“Go,” Xavier cuts me off. “Find your sister before your mom rats us out to the sheriff.”

How much of that phone call did he hear?

I slide off the white car, whose alarm is still pounding in our ears, and dash to the door to swing it open. My feet halt at the threshold, stopping me from running away.

I feel like I should say something.

Acknowledge the most memorable kiss of my life. So, I cast a glance toward Xav, slapping on an apologetic smile and giving him a squeaky “Xavier, I… I’m so sorry.”

And I really am, for leaving him stranded like this.

But he seems to peg my apology as me regretting what just happened because the last thing he says before I storm out is…

“I’m not.”