
The door to Finn’s bedroom closes with a bang, and I jerk in shock, moving away from my pen pal. My gaze streaks to the door, then around the room in search of an intruder.

No one.

I didn’t even hear the door open.

How long has some weirdo been watching us?

My attention drifts back to the girl desperately trying to catch her breath in my arms. Her pink lips are swollen, her teal eyes glassy, and the smile on her face? It’s a big, dopey giveaway as to the effect this kiss just had on her.

This is it.

The jig is up.

Love is Lacey Mattson.

It makes sense when you think about it. All the signs were there. Like bread crumbs, begging to be followed. I just didn’t want to see them.

Runs in the same social circle as I do? Check.

Was invited to Theo’s party that night? Check.

I mean, for fuck’s sake, her name literally starts with L. How could I miss it? But mostly, why am I so bummed out? I should be happy. Lacey has it all: beautiful, slim, tight ass, good in bed—especially with her tongue—but she’s… not what I expected.

Not that I know what that is.

All I know is she wasn’t it.

I thought Love would be tortured. Figured she’d have this ridiculously sexy damaged look burning in the back of her eyes. I never, ever would’ve imagined, with all the shit L’s been through, that she’d turn out to be Lacey, captain of the cheer squad, definition of a squeaky-clean, privileged person.

Truth is, the disappointment crept under my skin as soon as she came in, but it didn’t stop me from making my move. I meant what I said in my last text. I couldn’t wait another second for this to be real, so when she pushed the door open, her keys in her right hand, and offered me a shy smile, I went in for the kiss.

She kissed me back immediately, grasping at my clothes like an addict in need of a hit.

Dumbstruck, Love—I mean Lacey—clears her throat and lets out a breathless “Hi to you, too.”

“I can’t believe I missed it,” I say, more to myself than her. “It was you all along.”

I wait for those sharp eyes to light up in understanding, but the only thing I see in there…

Is plain confusion.

“What?” Lacey giggles.

“You were right under my nose. If I’d just fucking stopped to think,” I lecture myself.

There’s that confusion again.

Why does she look like she has no clue what I’m talking about?

“Take two—what?” she repeats.

My phone chimes with a text, and I pull it out of my pocket, typing in my password so fast I mess it up twice.

I have one new message.

From Love.