
Love: I’m so sorry, I have to go.Promised my best friend I’d go with her to get a piercing tonight.

His reply comes through in a heartbeat.

Zac: Back the fuck up. YOU’RE getting a piercing? Who are you and what have you done to Love?

Love: Dork.

Zac: Don’t call me that.

Love: What are you, the dork police?

Zac: You’re never going to let this one go, are you?

Love: Not a chance.

Love: I’m not getting a piercing, just accompanying her. Although she’ll probably try and convince me otherwise. Talk later?

Zac: You betcha. Don’t do anything stupid.

Love:I won’t.

* * *

The next day

Love:So… I did something stupid.

Zac: You didn’t.

Love: I did.

Zac: Not falling for it.

Love: Honest to god.

Zac: So… you’re too chicken to tell me who you are, but you’re cool with a three-inch needle puncturing your skin? Bullshit.

Love: I know it sounds crazy but my best friend was hyping me up and I’ve always wanted one. Plus, I can’t remember the last time I did something just for me. So, I thought fuck it and did it.

Zac:I’m afraid I’m going to need some proof of this alleged piercing.

I go back and forth with myself for thirty minutes, only to come to the conclusion that a little picture never killed anybody. As long as he doesn’t see my face, it should be fine…


I create a fake Snapchat account—before my better judgment can try reasoning with the reckless person these new piercings have made of me—and send him a screenshot of my username.

Love:Add me.

An invite from @TheDorkPolice pops on my screen a minute later. I snort out a laugh and accept his request with trembling fingers.

I slip out of my long-sleeve, tossing it onto my bed next to me. I’m wearing a tank top underneath and no bra. I took the torture device off the second I got home from my shift at the library.

I spend the next half hour taking pictures and deleting them. Another five minutes wondering if I should send a picture at all. This isn’t like me—the piercing, the semi-provocative picture. None of this is like me, but hey… neither was spilling my darkest secrets to a stranger in a book, so, safe to say people change?

Zac: Can’t believe I made a whole ass snapchat account just to get a picture of your belly button.